Reviews for Connections
Ikathy chapter 1 . 7/15
This has the sort of melancholy that is very ginran. Thanks for sharing!
scriptophile chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
This... Stung. It was really sad.

Rangiku is a strong woman, and she's my favourite Bleach female character because of that. Reading how much she wishes to have a bad memory and to forget him, especially, kills me a little but we all know that that would be the last thing she'd really wish to happen, because... love. And hope.

I like how I can read "I miss you terribly" and "please come back to me" in almost every line of this oneshot. Great fanfic!
TheDrunkenWerewolf chapter 1 . 8/19/2019
"... this is just the first time he isnt going to come back" ouch. Just ouch. This was beautifully heartbreaking. You really captured how much she misses him and remember their time together. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go write some fluff to deal with my feelings over this