Reviews for Lost Romantics
Guest chapter 77 . 9/16
Hey, welcome back!
Guest chapter 76 . 8/21
So glad I found this! You made my day :D looking forward to tomorrow!
ImayHaveaName chapter 75 . 8/2
I enjoyed this, you've got some good plotlines in there and a good writing style.
KRUSA1 chapter 74 . 7/10
Holstaur suggestion: holstaur girl’s first time in the city meets sweet Guy at ice cream shop
Minotaur suggestion: competing at a bodybuilding contest meets equally muscular guy
Midge217 chapter 73 . 6/25
This whole series is actually inspired me to take back up my own fan fic that I'd neglected for months... and just a suggestion, after all of the main mamono are done perhaps do more chapters based on the fan made mamono because there are some really decent ones
Sandshrew master 317 chapter 68 . 6/9
Ok I just have one question why was karen let go she almost committed murder and she literally admits it she should been charged with something right?
KRUSA1 chapter 69 . 5/7
My idea for a holstaur story: a man and his holstaur girlfriend are about to have sex for the 1st time and the holstaur is nervous so she ask her Minotaur sister to help but for the Minotaur help means threesome(there are two members of the Minotaur family so it’s practically killing two birds with one stone if you think about it alone you plan on doing this from 2 perspectives: one from the Minotaur and one for the holstaur)
AMAZING EZ-8 chapter 32 . 4/27
have you done a manticore chapter?
KRUSA1 chapter 50 . 4/22
I think you forgot the wererabbit
KRUSA1 chapter 64 . 4/21
i Know we’re getting the holstaur chapter in due time
KRUSA1 chapter 42 . 4/13
About your “bad religion” chapter: it was fine but one thing bugged me a little bit: wouldn’t have been more fitting story-wise to have Anne-Marie be a dark priest instead of just a succubus? beyond that: no criticisms, keep up the good work
KRUSA1 chapter 62 . 4/5
Im hoping to see the minotaur and holstaur chapters soon
doctor3027 chapter 1 . 3/2
This seems really interesting. I look forward to future chapters.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/19
Ah, Whoops, forgot this chapter existed... Although I feel like there's another way that alp could've been handled, was kinda looking for something more heartwarming.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/19
*Thinks* think you can do Alp?
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