Reviews for still provoked to every evil by this good wicked spirit
A Strawberry chapter 2 . 11/11/2019
Very interesting story! I loved the vivid imagery from the first chapter and the questions of recognition in the second.
TheDrunkenWerewolf chapter 2 . 9/7/2019
I like how you explore how both sides are dealing with The Fall. the angels living with a fear of god now however mild and missing or not missing their brothers and sisters. And the realisation they're carrying that heaven isn't as heavenly (cant think of a better word) anymore since Demons were created. Aziraphale feeling the loss of the other angels keenly makes me sad because that can't be easy.

Likewise, Lucifer's change from who he used to be impacts not just him but Crawly as well and everyone else around him. The consequences of this will be felt afterwards, and as we know from actual canon events, reverberate through the ages.

I like how its by pure chance that Crawley and Aziraphale meet again, as different beings, and it sets the stage nicely for future events. And pfft the flaming sword conversation always makes me laugh. "I gave it away." "You WHAT?!" XD

And the shielding from the rain bit! I love that. Hope you update this soon :)
TheDrunkenWerewolf chapter 1 . 9/7/2019
AHHH! I just finished watching Good Omens and I can finally read this now :D (I had to wait til my friend got back from holiday because watching without someone is being a traitor)

I love this. It starts off like the telling of a childrens story, really poetically, especially with the sections where god names the angels. and it gives it that myth/storybook vibes. It's really nice and it all flows so well. (You uh may wanna fix the typos though, you put "angle" instead of "angel" a couple of times) It also makes me want to go learn all of the angels histories in the actual texts.

Ohhh I like how Crowley/Raphael questions Gods command, and I can really feel his frustration at the war that resulted. And the way you described his fall is so well written. The contrast of light/warmth and emty/cold is excellent. As is the "crashing through the ground" line.

Love it. Can't wait to read the rest of this.
Shadowvixen89 chapter 2 . 8/27/2019
This has grabbed my interest. I can't wait to see what's next.
JenMur chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
I like this beginning of a story