Reviews for Shadows in the Light
Anon chapter 10 . 9/14
Omg please tell me there's more ! I love this story and I would love to read more! Your writing is incredible
Littledot chapter 10 . 9/10
I just found this story and it is Ah- mazing! Your writing is amazing, this story is amazing and I need to know more after that cliffhanger!
ForEver-A-DayDreamer chapter 10 . 8/29
Omg this is amazing! Don’t stop now
Emslou25 chapter 10 . 7/14
please say there's more soon!
Bodo chapter 10 . 7/11
It's great! I need to mnie what will be next! I like you takeing everything slow, it make everything more real.
HisRedRightHand chapter 10 . 7/10
I love this! Eagerly awaiting your next chapter! xx
Guest chapter 10 . 7/3
I love this story so much! Hope to read more soon :)
Guest chapter 10 . 7/1
I demand more!
spacevoyage chapter 10 . 6/7
Ok hold up! omg what affair with her mother is Mercy talking about? I. Am. Intrigued. and that cliffhanger? PLEASE I am so excited to read the next chapter and find out what happens. Also, I realllly can't wait to find out more about Mercy's backstory? She is an interesting character. Kinda mysterious to me if I'm being honest, hmmm. I'm not sure if I already said this before (I probably did but I have poor memory) but I'll just say it again! I love the dialogue in this story A LOT. It flows incredibly well and it seems really fitting to the characters. I really can't get enough of this story. You write Tommy really well, I feel like I could picture him saying all that and REALLY pushing it to get what he wants lmao. I like the chemistry that Mercy and Tommy have, and I can't wait to see their relationship grow past all this TENSION akdjshd. It's so interesting that Mercy is aware that Tommy is like... technically not good for her? I don't know, I feel like Mercy's got a little dark side to her, and I'm really fascinated by that? or I can't tell if she lowkey is ... unhinged? LMAO or if she's just a really private person. Either way, I. AM. CURIOUS. and I think her personality goes well with Tommy's lmao. Like she seems really caring towards the people she loves, but can be really reserved? if i got that right? but anywho, it was so nice to see you updated so soon after the last chapter, I can't even tell you how hard I smiled akskdjs so thank you! I can't wait to read more :)
Guest chapter 10 . 6/3
Amazing! I love this story so much and can’t wait to read what happens next!
Green-NaNa-Neko89 chapter 10 . 6/1
I absolutely loved this chapter even more than the last one. Finally we get some Mercy and Tommy smolder. Gahhh my heart was beating out of my chest and I re read some of the paragraphs over and over again. I can't wait to see what the next chapter has in store.
funnygirl00 chapter 10 . 5/31
Thanks for the double update! I hope you update soon, the tension is killing me!
JcR.xo chapter 10 . 5/31
strippedraw chapter 10 . 5/31
Lord have mercy this is wonderful!
Idcam chapter 10 . 5/30
Omg so those have always been Tommy's intentions to have her virtue. I hope Mercy goes for it cause there is a lot of sexual tension there. Oh man who had to go and mess up the moment they were both having? Great update
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