Reviews for Home Improvement Project
TwiBVB chapter 11 . 8/27
I'm really enjoying this story. I cant wait for an update.
Cina's chapter 11 . 7/7
Oh these poor children. Hopefully the 2 weeks will fly by for Bella.
TMTF chapter 11 . 5/29
I really hope you update this soon!
it's simply me n you chapter 9 . 3/25
Glad that she’s now accepting her feelings.
Let’s act on them next, shall we? Please!
TheObsessed1 chapter 11 . 3/9
He doesn't seem as into her as she is into him, or maybe their relationship just seems to lack any real passion. I definitely would care less about the landlord thing; just like he said. I do think that if you're both attracted there's no way to salvage a friendship. Either it's worth it to try and it works or not and if you don't there will always be awkwardness.
Nissa-Cullen chapter 11 . 3/7
At least they’re talking now. To bad he’s going to be gone for two weeks. Hopefully it’ll help him realize how much he misses her.
Missysue32 chapter 2 . 3/6
I really like this, there so sweet. (esp him)
Readaholic187 chapter 11 . 3/3
Nice to see that feelings are starting to be discussed. Really smart to not rush into a romantic relationship given Edward's past. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter.
sonogal chapter 11 . 3/2
So happy you and your story is back. I missed it.
Cullen Cousin chapter 11 . 3/1
good chapter
Payton79 chapter 11 . 3/1
Glad they could clear that up. The pessimist in me won't shut up about what all could happen to keep him in England longer than planned, though :(.
roxiegirl chapter 11 . 2/29
Thank you! Happy to know Edward is pretty much on the same page as Bella. He’s got to do some thinking first tho. Will Bella go crazy in 2 weeks?!
chartwilightmom chapter 11 . 2/29
aw, sweet almost heartbreak, glad she and him are thinking, thanks for update, more soon please
Midnight Cougar chapter 11 . 2/29
It’s good they finally talked, but I suspect, it’s gonna be a longgggg two weeks, for both of them. X
GorGirl chapter 11 . 2/29
I'm glad they talked. I hope Edward comes back determined to woo her!
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