Reviews for Love Conquers All: Kagura
Major Mike Powell III chapter 1 . 8/10/2019
Well, well, Li'l Lily~

HOO-RRAH! 1st Review EVAR, Btches~!

Haaah~ Yuri-chan, Yuri-chan~ Oh Yuri-chan~ You looooove fighting games, don't ya~? LOL My goodness~

Not even the mightiest Senran in history is unvulnerable to the influence of the yoma she fights so hard against, huh? Damn! My goodness! Friggin' demonic scum! Damn!

Thank God, thank God for Ayame. *O* My goodness, she saved her beloved Lady Kat and saved the day doing it~

That battle was absolutely epic and *WAY* better than the actual game. Corrupted Shinnok is a friggin' cheap-ass bitch of a final boss. Corrupted Kagura is better. X'D

Overall, this was an amazing, and big kudos for that adorable ending~ *W* Ikaruga being the Sonya to Katsuragi's Johnny. X'D

Great work, Yuri-chan~ You looooove fighting games! ;3

Semper-Fi! Carry on!