Reviews for A Family of Conviction
tff000 chapter 23 . 1h
Payton79 chapter 23 . 1h
I really hope therapy will help. I'm really curious about Damon and Jake, though, so I hope that's going to be next.
bobbysgirl1976 chapter 23 . 5h
next week can't come fast enough!
tas62 chapter 23 . 6h
I hope it works too.
Squkymun chapter 23 . 8h
Still breaking my heart. I think the therapy will work given time. I’m interested to see if Damon will end up seeing Jake (I think I know why he wants to). Thanks for sharing!
SassYNoleS chapter 23 . 9h
Loved the chapter, though I think Edward is going to break soon ... and I think that time will come when Damon goes and see's Jake :( ..

I don't need to ask what she's referring to; I know she's asking about counseling. Even though I suggested it, I'm skeptical after my solo session. However, I keep my opinion to myself. She doesn't need my negativity; she needs to hear me say everything will be fine. "Yes, I do."

Edward shouldn't have lied to Bella there *Shakes Head* .. how can they move forward if he is still holding things back?
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 23 . 9h
It’s good Bella and Edward were able to reconnect
physically. Physical intimacy IS important in a
marriage. It may not be the only thing, but it is a
primary one!
I think Edward’s counselor was trying to shake
him up, and find out where he stands. She was
princeselisa chapter 23 . 10h
Vtweetymccn chapter 23 . 11h
Edward needs to tell Bella how his therapy went or they will never learn how to deal with it and Bella needs to tell him how hers went.
cullenlover88 chapter 23 . 11h
nice chapter, sure sounds like they are all struggling
snoopylover60 chapter 23 . 11h
They have had so much bs... I hope they can find there HEA, somewhere along the way.

Looking forward to more :D
mnnlisa chapter 23 . 11h
I love Edward's possessiveness of Lucian and Damon.
cctwilight chapter 23 . 12h
They have to really be open to therapy for it to work. I have faith in them!
Cina's chapter 23 . 12h
My heartbreaks for the entire family. Can hardly wait for more.
Guest chapter 23 . 12h
Thank you for the update. Looking forward to future updates.
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