Reviews for Adventures of Garou: Remnant
Junior VB chapter 22 . 9/16
No está mal.
Not bad.
AMurder0fCrows chapter 11 . 8/28
I've read a lot of fanfics and what I get from it is that ozpin and nezu use their kindness to subdue and recruit others. I dislike this version of Garou just because he's acting like a pushover. So accepting of telling them everything like there isn't the option of bending them into pretzels and getting the information anyway. why is there so few stories where the mc doesnt just offer themselves up as another pawn to be used instead of doing their own thing.
Glenn E.Carantes chapter 21 . 6/11
The fight between his grimm version was so awesome and I have enjoyed it !
Glenn E.Carantes chapter 22 . 6/11
At least Salem got what she deserves which is being powerless and by the way keep up what your doing, and I am going to enjoy garou's adventure in seven deadly just as I enjoyed his adventure in rwby !
Guest chapter 22 . 6/10
I have to correct a little misconception you just made about us. You assumed that we assumed Garou would work with RWBY characters, specifically beacon teams, why? None of us thought that, I would've loved to see Garou spar with them but he had no interaction with them whatsoever, it's like Garou wasn't even in the story. Oh well, I suppose I can always wait for someone else to make one where Garou is the Hero Hunter we all know and love.
Hypnoyoukai chapter 22 . 6/10
It says complete
Enabler chapter 22 . 6/10
Is this the end?
Glenn E.Carantes chapter 20 . 6/8
Hi , I love your fanfiction of Garou in Remnant and its been so long since garou has found an opponent that are as strong as an S class in one punch man and I also hope this fight is what Garou needs to finally test his skills !
Enabler chapter 20 . 6/8
How did the Grimm enter the city?
Guest chapter 19 . 6/6
If there is ever a point in your story where Garou spars with Beacon students, I hope that when they see how strong and skilled he is that they ask him how he is that strong without Aura against people who DO have Aura, Garou could respond with
"I'm strong because I went through extremely intense training, the blood-vomiting bone-crushing kind, and don't tell me oh but we train to, yeah, but people have become way to over-reliant on Aura, if anything, it has made you forget how your own bodies work".
Guest chapter 19 . 6/3
I'm sorry but this has to be said. I usually stay away from most RWBY stories because they all fall to the same thing, nerfing and...RWBYdickriderism? Like 90% of RWBY stories fall to this trope for some reason. However, I love OPM and I love OPM/RWBY crossovers. I've always wondered what RWBY would be like if Garou were there. Did you know that your's is the only one with Garou in it? When I came into this story, I thought Garou was going to terrorize the Hunter community, the same way he did in A Hunter Amongst Villains, but he hasn't fought any Huntsman or Huntresses or the ones in training, only criminals and White Fang members, and he has fought very few Grimm, I'd like to see more of that, especially against the more powerful ones. You nerfed him, de-aged him (you didn't really need to do that, considering he's 18), and changed his demeanor a little and you don't see him as an oc? People are still going to see that. Look, this is far from being a bad RWBY/OPM crossover (and I've read some pretty bad ones), I am a little irked that he's with Ozpin, but I did love when he scared and told off Ozpin, and Salem later on. Even though I critiqued this, I do still want to see more of this, I just would like you make the fight scenes a little longer and showcase more of Garou's skills to Remnant, and maybe have RWBY JNPR or even CRDL for that matter challenge Garou and have any of them see just how outclassed they are.
Guest chapter 19 . 6/3
Nerfing a character is a hallmark of lazy writing
Enabler chapter 19 . 5/31
What is Salem planning?
Gunsword chapter 19 . 5/31
Most People that do fanfiction don't realise that garou is 18, as in the age range of the Rwby girls, so I don't know why ospin didn't invite him into his school in previous chapters, that's if Garou would except the offer which I doubt he will, also if you're not going to make Garou true to his true strength or character, the story ceases to be a crossover and you might as well have made him an OC.
Just an IsekaI writer chapter 15 . 5/27
okay... there's no doubt that this is not the garou I know...
it's more of an OC and the Quality drop significantly.

I don't know anymore...

Im out.
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