Reviews for Chance Encounters
ProudSlytherin13 chapter 48 . 7/10
I don't know why it took me so long to find this absolute masterpiece, but I am so thankful that I did. I read the entire thing in a day...and then read it again. And again. Oops? It's absolutely magical. I LOVE strong Stephanie, and the connection she has to Hector and Shorty as protectors, guardians, family...all without the lust that the rest of the Rangemen have, is super refreshing. Don't get me wrong, I love that the guys all look out for her, but there's also always a hidden undercurrent of lust, and having someone like Hector in her corner, who sees her, like, REALLY sees her, without wanting to get her out of her clothes, is amazing to witness.

I do have a couple questions, though they're almost more of an internal musing than anything...will the Chief of Police's roll as her godfather come into play down the line? Or even bypassing the usual Hawser connection and using the Mayor? I've seen it done that way, and when written well, it works using Juniak instead of Mike Hawser, even if it's slightly less than canon.

Also, will Lula ever feature in your brilliance? She was a Ramirez victim, which has already been settled...and honestly I'd love to see how you spin her without using the ruts that J.E. dropped Lula into during the series. You're brilliant, and I have no doubt it would be magnificent.

Lastly (right now lol) will there be a point where Steph can truly showcase herself on screen? She's done amazing things, and has more than earned her title on the streets...but with all of her training and now total Rangeman access...I can't help but wonder if your genius could come up with a way to kind of force Steph to have to take action? Not necessarily to kill again, though truthfully having a second teardrop added now that the guys are in play would be a hell of a twist, but just have to prove AGAIN that she's not some damsel that Hector adopted...that she is, by her own skill, the Dark Angel's Vixen and not some stray kitten taken in out of pity.

I do want to say that I'm sorry to hear you're having to handle family blows and I hope you and yours are doing okay. While I eagerly await your return, I pray you're taking care of yourself and that your Muse isn't hiding in a safe house breeding plot bunnies to smother you with. Stay safe and best wishes.
Retrdtchr chapter 48 . 6/13
Thanks for updating us. Was worried you had had to abandon this. Take all the time you need to tend to your family.
Fiarillo chapter 48 . 6/2
RL sometimes gets in the way. You do what you need to do. We will wait. Be safe. Take Care. Stay well.
jules3677 chapter 48 . 6/2
Best wishes that everything resolves itself to your satisfaction.
snotoy chapter 48 . 6/1
I hope everything works out and is all right. This is a crazy stressful time in the world right now. Take care of you and yours. I have always enjoyed your stories. Be safe.
JIKjih chapter 48 . 6/1
Family first. But know that after your immediate family we your readers are here as family to support you and enjoy your works. Hope all is well soon.
Ybanormlmom chapter 48 . 5/31
Hang in there. Be safe. We’ll be here when you’re ready.
Mary Schneider chapter 48 . 5/31
Stay safe and come back when you can
Tommy14 chapter 48 . 5/31
Take care of yourself and your family. We'll see you when things get better.
GarbanzoBeans chapter 48 . 5/31
Family must come first. We willl read it when you get to it. Thank you
PhillyGirl27 chapter 48 . 5/31
Stay safe and well as you deal with RL. We will wait! -Kathy
baileygirl12 chapter 48 . 5/31
I'll be here when you come back. Hope all will work out with family affair.
shellbell78 chapter 48 . 5/31
Hope everything is ok!
Elenimou32 chapter 48 . 5/31
families first, but do come back. Thank you for the last chapter. Always great to see the “thugs” in action.
shoegirl01 chapter 48 . 5/31
Take care!
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