Reviews for Useless Shielder
Uday Sra chapter 21 . 8/2
I really love how you’re doing Acedia/Sloth. I hope that later variations of the shield include some form of being able to level up while doing nothing. Sorta like how feeling worthless increases his power. The greater his self loth the stronger he becomes.
Uday Sra chapter 20 . 7/17
reality deviant chapter 20 . 7/17
Takt really should have been a more serious issue...

And Motoyasu not wanting girls... well i wonder how the Bow or the Sword Heroes would have fared if it was one fo them instead of Motoyasu taking the place of Shield Hero...
tarious123 chapter 19 . 7/2
Oh boy, Takt might get the Holy Shield early...
Uday Sra chapter 19 . 7/2
Lq840i chapter 19 . 7/1
I just want to see the Queens point of view since you have it that a war is coming and his treatment along with them summoning the other heroes. Since silvelt and shieldfreeden is obviously outraged.
Rob Rimsill chapter 18 . 6/19
Really enjoyed this... to the point that it's now an hour and half past when I was supposed to be asleep and I don't care.

Your grasp of Motoyasu's character is, obviously, excellent, and while it's hard to actually see what Naofumi's like without his terrible, horrible start he is recognisably thoughtful as well. There's a good balance of light-heartedness, fluff and drama, without any element really taking over the story so far.

Yes. I like this.
Uday Sra chapter 18 . 6/16
reality deviant chapter 18 . 6/15
well Motoyasu her eis rather different from NAofumi in canon...
PatRox chapter 18 . 6/15
This is the most honest and likable Motoyasu I've seen in a long time. He's got people he cares about and the way he's loyal to no one but the people who are honest and polite towards him feels as wholesome as a cheerful Raphtalia. The frustration over his inability to get out and level without intereference from the country is so understandable I can't help but root for the guy to succeed. Having said all this, I notice that I get the feeling he's mellowed out. I'd blame the Shield of Acedia here, and the determination he gets when faced with Birdie or Naofumi makes him even more fleshed out.

The only real shock to me was the Shield of Wrath, but even then the way you explained Motoyasu's feelings gave me enough to understand why he feels the way he does. There isn't a large amount of combat, but I don't think this story needs that much since what's provided is good enough for me.
PillowLover3939 chapter 18 . 6/15
This is one of my favorite stories. I like the way you're handling Motoyasu's inner monologue, and the politics that surround him. Keep up the good work!
Uday Sra chapter 17 . 6/1
reality deviant chapter 17 . 5/31
Friendship spear instead of slave owner Shield. Also i bet Sadeena was disappointed it was not a lovers spear...

its only a matter of time till she will be interested, or at least curious, about Naofumi's ... ' Spear' ...

poor Rishia. Naofumi arrived just in time here. I wonder what lies Itsuki been fed about her absence.

Will we see Fitoria visiting Naofumi soon?
drmcgraw186 chapter 17 . 5/31
I for one like how you are using the spin-off for plot points, I never thought about what happens to Rishia in the spin-off but given bitch being in Itsuki's party this most likely is what happens, I do wonder where Rino is in this story and spin-off, I feel that both the anime and manga are going regret not showing her given her role in volume 19 on the light novel
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