Reviews for Mew's Newest All-Stars Legendary World Tour!
Guest chapter 49 . 4/16
Wonderful my dear friend.
JanitorDroidJenkins chapter 41 . 12/21/2019
While they argue, while they doubt each other, I'm waiting. My plan is almost complete, Protocol 88 will initiate soon. Prepare.-The REAL Janitor.
JanitorDroidJenkins chapter 18 . 9/27/2019
It's all coming together, Roger Roger.
JanitorDroidJenkins chapter 8 . 8/25/2019
10/10 would Roger Roger again
The song was dank
Goodjob Liz!
Fuzzboy chapter 6 . 8/25/2019
OKAY, so I will confirm this is, in fact, a meme account. Read the story if you want. It's not really my thing, but if it's yours, then go for it. Personally though...Idk, I don't really find random humor that funny admittedly.
JanitorDroidJenkins chapter 3 . 8/19/2019
Makuhita seems loyal, for now, I think I'll keep him, he'd make a decent lacky. As for Gardevoir, I'm afraid his "employment" at my security firm mist come to an end, I've discovered his plot to betray me, so now I gotta "remove him" from the competition, it's just business. Also 10/10
Fuzzboy chapter 3 . 8/12/2019
So...This is a parody of TPIs, right? Like something to make fun of them, the concept, stereotypes...All that jazz, right? Because it sorta feels like it. So...If it ISN'T and it's meant to be legit...Well, sorry but...It's kinda...Not good.

Like you said yourself the spelling and grammar are awful and based on what you said it won't be improving. The cast is forgettable and largely unlikeable. In fact, everything involving this episode is just sorta...There. Like, I don't get anything from this except that I...Don't care? Like, if I were to just go off this I wouldn't keep reading most likely.

I encourage you to improve if this is a legit story. If it's a parody, keep being a parody, it's just not really my kind of humor. If it's some weird inbetween...IDK! Regardless have a good day.