Reviews for Salvation of the Damned
Guest chapter 13 . 9/12
The conflict between Arthas and Kae'thas is going to be so juicy. Looking forward to the next update.
Lenric chapter 13 . 9/12
Arthas' seemingly heartless apathy seems like a defensive mechanism to avoid further emotional pain from his friends; I suspect that he is still driven by a wish for a moral world though tempered by his experiences. Curiously, Arthas did declare those intentions to Alexstrasza, one of the few people that is on the same wavelength as him.
strelle chapter 13 . 9/11
Kael'thas' plan is really quite something. He's hyperfocused on the interests of his people at the cost of everyone else. That sort of thinking works, I suppose, if one has the power to enforce an imperialist philosophy. However, then there's always the fear of what what happens when a bigger fish appears and the former top dogs are on the receiving end of their own ideals.
artilyon-rand chapter 13 . 9/11
Oh, there was this really flimsy plan to redeem the orcish race," said Arthas. "Never going to amount to anything. They'll probably try to burn down Theramore in a few years, and then I'll head west to tell Jaina 'I told you so.' Then I'll be fighting the Horde for a few years or so..
Ma man
Slim Summers chapter 13 . 9/10
Glad to see your still updating despite the disappointment with Blizzard. Hope you continue with some of your other warcraft stories too :)

That being said I think you meant Arthas heald Muradin here:-

"You left me to die, Arthas!" snapped Muradin.

"I healed you, didn't I," said Muradin.
Guest chapter 13 . 9/10
Great chapter.
Consort chapter 13 . 9/10
I have to admit... Kael'thas' plan is intriguing. Managing a move on that kind of scale is a steep challenge, even with all the resources of the Lich King. But he's clearly got something he's confident in, which is rather terrifying given that he's got no problems with the ethics of throwing an Old God at a continent with specific intent of wiping everyone out. Between that and his treatment of Jaina, He has lost the argumental advantage that he held before, when he was fighting to end the Legion with the Eye. Now... I think that we need to stop him, but we also need to get an idea of just what he's trying to do as well- if he's about to sacrifice half the planet to keep the rest functional, then the least we can do is respect the dead by making sure that their loss isn't for naught, and finish Kael's goals after he's been stopped.

As for Muradin- I really liked him this chapter. Justifiably as mad as one can be without attacking on sight, but still sensible enough to keep his priorities straight- not just with Arthas, but with Anub'arak too, since Anub was about to carve through his fallen people. Oh yeah, and Vashj mentioning Deathwing... he's corrupted through the old gods, and so is his entire flight, so... kill them, and idk, maybe Miss Prestor will wake up one day and find that her heart just isn't in it anymore when it comes to destroying Stormwind inside out. A hell of a lot of evils in WoW can be traced back to the Old Gods, especially ones in modern WoW, so... if anything, I can at least understand the reasoning of Kael'thas- I'd hope for his success even, if it didn't come at the cost of the world that we're trying to save. Managing to defeat the Old Gods would finally let people get some happy endings around here.

I do hope that Arthas might one day be able to justifiably end his apathy. Although, given that he's still fighting according to what's moral, perhaps he still cares more than he might want to admit to himself. Either way, that is something that can be put off until Kael'thas isn't about to blow up the world, I suppose.
Ebanu8 chapter 13 . 9/10
Never underestimate the power called madness.
darthas chapter 13 . 9/10
I knew that Kael'thas had a massive ego, but here his savior complex is even bigger than Illidan's
VVenga chapter 6 . 8/1
Personally love the negotiation chapters so far. Gives a bit of character insight that you can really feel by their reactions to certain demands and the way they interact with different people. (Sally and anyone sane for example)
Guest chapter 12 . 7/10
Yes, finally a long awaited update! I am really intrigued by Arthas philosophy and where it will lead him and the undead.
Guest chapter 12 . 6/27
great chapter
Guest chapter 12 . 6/27
If only WoW had this kind of self reflection, I suspect the canon plot would have gone down very differently.
artilyon-rand chapter 12 . 6/27
Hey Muradim /awesome man you are back
ArgentTempest chapter 12 . 6/27
It lives! Huzzah!

As usual, Arthas brings up many good criticisms about how Warcraft's story went down in canon and I love it. It's also interesting to see that Muradin recovered from his amnesia earlier in this timeline, did Jaina find and help him with his recovery?
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