Reviews for Harry Potter and the Ebony Throne
Bobby-Penndragon chapter 53 . 6/25
Another reread done and i gotta say that i enjoyed this story just as much as i did when i read it the first time, cant wait for the (hopefully) eventual sequel
Loveandpower chapter 40 . 5/21
does this mean Fleur is also recognized as queen by house elves
SolusIpse42 chapter 53 . 4/28
This was an epic ride. the Historian and Classicist I am thrived off this story. excellent job! well done.
jtp93 chapter 53 . 4/22
This was an amazing story! My mind is blown.
wolfzmasterz chapter 53 . 3/30
Wholly shit that was amazing. The ending... I mean really to just leave it with a group of Gods that came before the Olympians being their killers, wow just wow. I can’t wait to see what you do with this next.
B00F21 chapter 53 . 3/29
Will you still be writing the sequel to Harry Potter And The Ebony Throne?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/6
Look up the difference between "lie, lay, lain" and "lay, laid, laid"
Those words do not !NOT! never EVER mean the same! Ever...
If you are LAYING on a bed, you are a chicken. Not a person. I expect eggs for breakfast.
So many native speakers get that wrong and I have no idea why...
Shiaira73 chapter 53 . 2/26
ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! This was an amazing adventure and journey to take! I was completely enthralled the entire time. The battles scenes were stunning. The finding of Camelot and the battle with Mordred was Epic in its visual description. I could almost hear the squeals of the rats and the moans of the inferi. Thank you, so much for sharing such an epic adventure. I await in anticipation for the Sequel, though this is a great stand alone, as is. Now, I am going to go hug my son in thanks for recommending such a great read!
Shiaira73 chapter 5 . 2/24
My son recommended this story to me. Said it was a good read. So Far, I completely agree. Thank you. :D
brittmtz15 chapter 14 . 2/5
in case of emergency, break glass.
Lady Nyry Dragon Queen chapter 53 . 1/13
I can't explain how good this story was. It kept me entranced through the whole thing. I love the pairing of folktale and mythology with the wizarding world. While Harry did feel overpowered in areas I could always fall back on his training. He had this power in him he just needs to be pushed. I am waiting for the sequel.
Caleb Stewart chapter 53 . 1/5
I don’t usually leave reviews, but this is honestly one of, if not the best fan fictions that I have ever read. I’m very excited to see where you take the sequel of this story. Please... keep up the great work
Guest chapter 20 . 12/29/2019
Wow, so Godric is an apologist piece of shit?! If there’s a village that needed to be removed it was that one.
Hades chapter 53 . 11/23/2019
A sequel!...kronos? He wields a scythe ...I think?
themaestro1 chapter 53 . 11/16/2019
This was a really good story. I look forward to the sequel.
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