Reviews for Vanity makes you say things like 'I deserved a better life than this'
Amaspa chapter 1 . 10/26/2019
I loved this! I never gave much thought to her character when I read the books, now I’m just loving how you have written her! And the new friendly rivalry with Trouble :D
Thank you for writing this!
M chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Honestly this is really so well written and deserves a lot more to the story, as well as more praise and attention. You managed to add subtlety to a relatively disliked and one-dimensional character from the series, gave them a lot more depth, and built good characterization and established motive and personality really well over one conversation. I hope this motivates you to keep writing!
Refugeeoftumblr chapter 1 . 7/24/2019
I think this was a really cool look at these characters. Nice! Good to see Lili getting to be fleshed-out a little more.