Reviews for Friendly Neighborhood Intern
Guest chapter 5 . 10/28/2019
This was so cute! You are a great writer and capture the essence of the characters so well!
recondite17 chapter 5 . 9/1/2019
Such a great little series! Thank you so much for writing it :)
Mary chapter 5 . 8/31/2019
As always, love this! Sad to see it go though. Hope you make more stories surrounding Happy and Peter's relationship!
recondite17 chapter 4 . 8/17/2019
Another great chapter! Your stories are some of my favorites on here. :)
crystal chapter 4 . 8/17/2019
this is great. not many stories explore happy and peter, so this is great. i love how he told peter that if something permanent would happen to him, happy would also never forgive himself. that part got me so curious because we never saw his reaction following peter's death in infinity war. i now really wonder what his actions, thoughts, and feelings were like. like how did he cope losing peter while taking care of his boss who is also grieving over the kid. we need this! please update soon!
Mary chapter 3 . 8/11/2019
I rambled quite a bit when I reviewed your other story, so I'll make this short: I ADORE this one! Happy seeing Tony in Peter in this chapter reminded me so much of FFH. More of this, please! I just love the overprotective nature of Happy that we've seen in FFH. And please, regarding my prompt, do with it what you will. It's completely up to you and there's no worries about it. Keep up the amazing work and I look forward to another chapter! :D
sheisbeautiful-sheisnotme chapter 2 . 8/6/2019
I just read all of "If you're Happy..." and now this one and they are just perfect. Keep up the great work!
Mary chapter 2 . 7/30/2019
Another amazing chapter! Love it! In fact, your chapter inspired an idea. I don't know if you accept prompts, but what do you think of writing a sequel of sorts to this chapter? Like, later at night when Happy is driving Peter back to his apartment, they get into another accident - but it's much worse. New York's worst winter season gets revenge as the Audi is not only inoperable, but completely buried in the snow (so it could be hours from the initial accident to their rescue). They are both injured with Peter being the worst off (I'm a sucker for hurt Peter and overprotective Happy (and Tony)). Because of the condition outside and having their vehicle buried under snow, there is a possibility they may not have cell reception or even able to get a hold of F.R.I.D.A.Y. Still, despite dealing with blood loss and hypothermia and nature telling Happy it's Peter's time, Happy does what he can to make sure Peter survives (especially considering his healing factor might not work under such conditions). In such a precarious situation, this would really stretch the depths of Happy's and Peter's (uncle/nephew/surrogate fatherish?) relationship. What do you think? I love the little glimpse of overprotective Happy and hurt Peter in FFH, and would love to see more. I'm sure you'll do this justice! In any case, can't wait for the next chapter!
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 1 . 7/24/2019
That is too funny XD I'm so happy I watched that scene...had no idea it existed until you recommended it! Great job with involving Peter too, lol!
Bellatlas chapter 1 . 7/24/2019
I had no idea that that deleted scene existed! That's great, and THIS is great. Thank you so much for this!
Mary chapter 1 . 7/22/2019
How did I miss this! This is cute and hilarious! Gotta love Happy! That scene should have been in the movie. Thanks for this! :D