Reviews for Living in Secret
Guest chapter 33 . 9h
I still don't have any trust in her, is it only me who feels that she's still working for dark lord.
EtzStephen chapter 33 . 12h
i like this one
MilesMorales18 chapter 33 . 15h
Do I sense a subplot arising with Tracey's parentage? From the SOUNDS of it, the implication laid down here is Regulus could be her father? So should it be presumed he was Sirius's older brother in this continuity?

Can't wait to see Daphne turn into an anti-Death Eater terrorist
goobercreek chapter 33 . 15h
You often find that the Ice Queen/Slytherin Daphne character loses the shades of grey that make it interesting in many fics. I like that your Daphne still feels like an evolution of the original character, rather than a bloodless replacement.
KnowPein chapter 33 . 21h
Nudging towards sixth year climax

Just hope Snape and Draco don't get off lightly
EmpressErena chapter 33 . 22h
A drastic turn of events, the writing is Amazing as usual!
Shadow chapter 1 . 22h
Great chapter
Averlovi chapter 33 . 22h
Shes on hers and Harry's side. Nothing wrong with that.
asterix.dk98 chapter 33 . 23h
Good chapter on Daphne's inner monologue. God that A/N set my hair's up. Let's see how far will Daphne go as you put it she ain't and Angel
HephaestusBuilds chapter 22 . 7/19
Unwrap her box, deck her halls, mistletoe only gets you so far

I almost DIED reading that. Good thing I'm reading this at home rn, I usually read this in the breakroom at work and that would've been SO embarrassing considering the noise I made lol

Loving this story and series, gonna read the next chapter rn

Have a good one,
Mymalkshakes chapter 32 . 7/19
Wow great way to switch up the classic Harry/Draco duel by bringing Daphne in. Can't wait for the next update!
Scorpion12391 chapter 32 . 7/18
This is a bloody joke
Guest chapter 32 . 7/18
I'm waiting for the next chapter.
EmpressErena chapter 32 . 7/17
this was as usual beautifully written, I hate how rash Harry can be sometimes. I also like how Even Tho Daphne is against her father, she isn't quick to blame him bcuz she still thinks of him as her father.
Marksbay chapter 32 . 7/17
Very cannon. Always lovely to see people in charge making questionable choices, and the interesting logic Harry is following. He can now presume that Dumbledore is being assassinated, and that Draco is a DE with a mission inside the castle. Obviously with a completly logical train of thought, Draco's mission is to assassinate Dumbl- Harry Potter! I wonder why he arrived at this conclusion
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