Reviews for The Beard
blb1000 chapter 21 . 8/5
Nice job! Lovely fic. Thank you for completing it.
blb1000 chapter 17 . 8/4
Hmpf! That was a lil too quick. It would have taken days AT LEAST for her to calm down enough to talk to him.
blb1000 chapter 16 . 8/4
I knew there would be a blow up coming. Wow!
blb1000 chapter 15 . 8/4
They're both sex addicts now. ;-)
blb1000 chapter 14 . 8/4
Very nice...
blb1000 chapter 13 . 8/4
Good ol' Jessica.
blb1000 chapter 12 . 8/4
I think she would accept real-dating with him as he's already proven he's better than Mike or Garrett.
blb1000 chapter 11 . 8/3
Know for sure that the other person has not slept with anyone else in 6 months.
blb1000 chapter 10 . 8/3
Um, I believe she's the one who needs to go grocery shopping. Esme already took care of his frig.
blb1000 chapter 9 . 8/3
Wow! That was quite an afternoon/evening.
blb1000 chapter 7 . 8/3
Oh boy! Tequila in the middle of the day...
blb1000 chapter 6 . 8/3
Heehee! :-D
blb1000 chapter 5 . 8/3
Good to meet Edward.
blb1000 chapter 3 . 8/3
So much for Garrett the good guy!
blb1000 chapter 2 . 8/3
So she bought her apt too?
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