Reviews for In Shades of Black and White
JTD3 chapter 2 . 3/13
Okay, wow, first off, points on the writing! It's really good, and I love your style here! Second, bonus points for Spider-Man Noir! He's such an underutilized version of the character, and I love seeing him get his dues in Fanfictions like this. I should also add, you've done a terrific job with his character so far, despite not having a whole lot done yet.

I think it's needless to say, I am really excited about your next entry in this series!
Random65 chapter 2 . 2/25
Please update
Double2cat chapter 2 . 2/25
Despite how short this is compared to other fics I've read, this is pretty good and enjoyable to read, I'd like to read more bro, peace.
StriderSpider01 chapter 1 . 2/22
I'm a fan of Spider-Man Noir, and this story looks to be promising. Keep up the good work.
IcyStream chapter 2 . 2/22
I love this.
coki13566 chapter 2 . 2/21
i like the fic so far
how old is this peter? can't think what kind of impact he would have in the canon of RWBY (ignoring what happened in this chapter) but please tell if he is in the age-range to enter Beacon he will replace Jaun.
Spiderfan626 chapter 2 . 2/20
Seems interesting! Is it weird that my mind trying to figure out what voice to use here: Christopher Daniel Barnes or Nicolas Cage. Because of his appearances in Shattered Dimensions and Into the Spider-Verse! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Alpha7012 chapter 2 . 2/19
Yes, finally! A new chapter! I almost completely forgot about this until it popped back up. Also, well done!
Spider man 90214 chapter 1 . 7/17/2019
Esta historia suena con bastante potencial, me gustó bastante
Alpha7012 chapter 1 . 7/17/2019
Wait, is this a Noir Spider-Man version, or no? Because I'm getting the Noir vibe.