Reviews for The Weeping Siren
Bookworm400 chapter 9 . 7/28
OMG I loved your book so much! I know you already completed this book but I would love to see Thor's POV. Anyway great book!
Suzy P chapter 9 . 5/30
I absolutely loved your story. It kept me hooked. I feel you got the characters right given their ages. Please write more Loki.
AsketronNidavellir8 chapter 1 . 5/31
Ahaha I'm such a bad person for enjoying all the pain these poor peeps went through, but I love the freaky shivers this story gives me fhnvdfhjjhgcdooooohhhh hahahaha I'm scared scared scared of that siren holy snakes she's nasty eep eep. I LOVE YOUR WRITING OMG I THINK I WANT TO SCREAM
AsketronNidavellir8 chapter 10 . 5/30
Omigod this story made me cry and freak out, and I couldn't stop reading it and I LOVE IT! Spectacular work! I am so going to check out that sequel!
DricabannerOdinson chapter 10 . 3/21
PhoenixFantastic chapter 9 . 11/18/2019
Sorry this review was so long in coming.
First off, wonderful ending! And adios to the Siren! (You did it to yourself, sister - you shouldn’t have touched Frigga’s boy.)

I liked Sif’s sentiment that everything they suffered was worth it if it meant they understood Loki better. And Frigga’s chapter was pure gold from beginning to end.

I really loved it all. Thank you!
Whirlwind421 chapter 9 . 10/24/2019
Man, you write a great story. I know you said Frigga was hard to write! But, you did a great job. My poor baby Loki, not being able to sleep unless injected and chained! *cries* I hope you do more in the past stories. They are very fascinating!
Whirlwind421 chapter 8 . 10/23/2019
I would just like to say that your story is awesome! I really enjoyed it immensely. I liked when Loki showed up in Sif's room. :D And I liked the whole perspective of Sif's in general for this story. It was very interesting. Though, I think it killed me not to know if Loki was better sooner. Thanks for an awesome story!
Whirlwind421 chapter 7 . 10/23/2019

Though, I have to say they were with Mother for so long. I sort of forgot Thor existed. You do very well a making a world all of your own! Love the ending of this chapter! Go Frigga! And I hope the children are okay!
Whirlwind421 chapter 6 . 10/21/2019
Awesome! chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
Wow! Great story. You had me on the edge of my seat at the end. I loved Frigga’s point of view. I’m glad that you decided to write it. Thank you so much for such an entertaining story!
ThatOneGuest chapter 9 . 10/18/2019
That was really interesting reading it in Frigga’s POV. I bet it would be hard as a mom to have your child(ren) so hurt like that. Very nice chapter!
AsgardainAvenger chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
By the Norns, please write more stories with Thor, Loki, and the others. Frigga's POV was amazing and heartbreaking wrapped into one. In fact, this whole story had gripped my attention and wouldn't let go until the next chapter was posted. I love your writing style, it made everything seem so real. I hope you continue writing because you are really good. This is probably one of the best stories I've read on this site. Keep up the good work! :)
Guest chapter 9 . 10/18/2019
That was so good! Odin saying "would i lie to you" nearly killed me.
azureLuna11 chapter 9 . 10/18/2019
Oh my gosh I got so excited when I saw the notification for the bonus chapter, I love it! Frigga was totally in character, while reading I noticed how her personality really mirrors both Thor and Loki's (they really are mama boys aren't they? Haha) her fury and despair throughout this was so heartbreaking, but the ending made me smile
This update was a nice early birthday present :) ooh I can't wait for what the next story's gonna be!
You're truly an ingenious author, amazing job! *two big thumbs up*
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