Reviews for Peter and Neo's Bogus Journey
CRUDEN chapter 17 . 7/18
I honestly don't what I just read...awesome
Locothehood chapter 17 . 7/17
Tell that to the people from Jurassic park
RedRat8 chapter 16 . 5/20
This easily surpasses anything that Volume 5 was able to give us, for one there's effort on Peter's part in fighting back Adam, instead of a, you know, a simply smash on the back and then fleeing quickly. I also do hope you kind of avoid Volume Six and Seven and do your own thing, because both volumes took an amazing amount of effort to turn the series into nothing positive to say about.
Threesad chapter 15 . 5/19
Just like your other story this one is a favorite of mine too I love all of these fanfics!
Jobro2303 chapter 15 . 5/19
3 chapters in a row?! Theallaroundnerd you spoiler these chapters are the best! Can’t wait for the next one
Helljumper206 chapter 15 . 5/19
Have Spider man wear a Duster.

Those who wear a big coat are plan awesome, and Spiderman needs to join the ranks!
CRUDEN chapter 15 . 5/19
Is it the velocity suit?
CRUDEN chapter 14 . 5/18
Lucky I lost my pro skater game awhile ago
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 13 . 5/18
People like to talk big, but when it comes down to it, it's always, "Not ME, not MY family."
CRUDEN chapter 13 . 5/16
Huh so not only does Peter have a catgirl fetish but a bunny one too.
RedRat8 chapter 12 . 5/13
Well I suppose that makes sense, Peter did take a pretty hard fall, and it's going to be hard for Peter to get back on the saddle, also what's your opinion about Vol 7?
BobIsBadAtEnglish chapter 11 . 3/17
YES! Hook it into my veins. Man these last few chapters have been absolute killers. I especially loved the last chapter where he finally got his powers back. This chapter kicked ass too though. Honestly impressed that you managed to update on a consistent schedule. Ca5 wait for the next chapter.
VolcanicFlare chapter 11 . 3/11
Despite the apparent end of the “bougus quest” I have a feeling that things will only get Boguser.
sonicflash78 chapter 10 . 3/7
Hey man I see Spidey back in action could you let Ben know that peter alive in a couple of chapters and also update us on deadpool
superjoeyf721 chapter 10 . 3/6
The Other?! (Shocked face with widened eyes) Oh No...
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