Reviews for Digimon Adventure Episode 2: Attack of the Emperor
Super Saiyan 3 Odd chapter 39 . 7/10
Okay, first of!

I had a feeling the missing children arc would come.

But I did not expect the kids to be exposed. My gut tells me Oikawa was the one who revealed their names. have just earned my complete and utmost respect!

And Man...that torture scene. I remember getting sneak preview of it. Ken and Wormmon are really taking the pain and Oikawa is absolutely merciless. He's even more maniacal than the original. I doubt there's any hope for him turning good in the end.

Awesome Job!
Greymon Leader Batx flashpoint chapter 44 . 6/22
dude i bloody love this fanfiction it was great how you reformulated the 02 storyline not going to lie there is some stuff in this story i wished had been introudced in the anime. god man i love the chracter development and how you have expanded theese chracters developement. In theese two sections my faveroute ones was the ken and tk ones. I litlatty bowed down to ken this guy is the digimon king. finally casted away the chains of the emepoere. this guy hass done a amazing 180 that alot of people could have learned. i also love the matruaity he had shown to his scar. after all insn't that way we have scars at all so that we as people can learn from or mistakes to become better people? I love that chater and your adaption of him. Tk becasue well after mounths of guessing we dont know who she got with. The question is still not resvoled davis or tk becasue perosnally for me i kinda waant davis cause the guy needs more love in the fandom. Though in a funny twst it could turn out that she gets with neither boy. still it was cool and like tk i respcted the maturity he showed on the concept he and kari may not become a couple. I love the taiora parts but cosnidering the storyline in tri i cannot help but wonder what challnages will the couple be dealing with? i tai went trhough a lot of pain in that stroyline. and addtionaly the procpecy their right soemhting didn't click in cody was the one who killed okiawa not ken. so the snake in the grass wasn't him dam i am worried who is the true snake. all i know is that i need to read the next chapter of your new fic. but as i close the page for this story i do it with a ostive feeling as i have read a story which told me about humanity no matter how simple. a story i feel a lot of people can learn from that failure is not a weakness but the ultimate strengh for true evoltion
Greymon Leader Batx flashpoint chapter 43 . 6/22
this was a cool way to leave things off my freind a really good way. One thing i understand about this chapter and the fic as a whole is that its meant to target lonliness. Ken, Okiawa and Cody even the other kids it looks like the story was telling the dangers of lonliness and how it can effect even the best of us. The Tk arc being a very good example. Okawa despite all the horrible things he done i still found it hard for me to view him as a villan. when i see okiawa i see myself, you see i was born with special needs austism, dyslexia you name it. growing up as a kid i had a few number of freinds but for the most part i was lonely. pareants had a struggling marrige making it hard for me to cope. i was only 4 and i felt i had so much dam stone on my shoulders. I hated it. As i got older people made it clear they saw the special needs more than myself and made automatic judgements on me. Okiawa is someone i wish could have gotten redemtpion or at leat a better life than he could becasue his loneliness and mental health problems where born from greif. he was someone who just needed love. sadly he couldn't learn from his ex protoge and his freinds. each of them faced one part of loneliness in this story. either by being the emepoere, a kidnapped victum of the emperor or taking one of tests etc. what makes them better than okiawa is that they where able to overcome the onliess take tk and ken for example thoose two were loosing themselves to the sickness of lonliness and jelousy that they argurbly could no longer be seen as a human beings. but they faced it and braved it. which comes to my next aspect of this story nothing is set in stone. Take the fact Jeo, SOra and Mimi took down the terrible duo. you would think that right would have gone to the new kids or tai and matt. no it went to thoose 3 somthing i doubt any of the readers expected to see. which brings into the thing okiawa was never wwilling to face. that fate could change that he couldt be able to breack his own stone and move on with a new life insted let the loniless consume him. he had two appreticees ken and tk both who for a while knew what it was like to be him but foudn a way to breack the stones fate gave them and rebuild them to somthing new and amazing. sadly somthing okiawa failed at acomplishing himself. never give into lonliness and remeber you have to power to control your life your destiny not others if you know theese thhings you can save yourself from being the digimon empoere and learn how to be the digimon king.
Super Saiyan 3 Odd chapter 38 . 6/19
Congratulations to Kairi and Ken, especially Ken! He's taken another large step forward in over coming his past as the Digimon Emperor and although it wasn't real he made amends with his brother and Sam ended up giving Ken good advice!

Now Wormmon has appeared to guide Ken, it's nice to see he has a true friend a part of him! Now if only Kairi realised TK is more than just a friend.

But I have a feeling the real battle will begin soon...and it is going to get ugly.
Luffy L Deathwalker chapter 44 . 6/15
I have a bad feeling about this next one
Music Chick chapter 44 . 6/13
I'm on overload with all of these hinted ships, and with Taiora finally coming out into the open! I think you balanced it well with also tying loose ends with the prophecy and the mysterious figure that Yolei saw. I can't wait to read Revenge of The Infected
Music Chick chapter 43 . 6/13
Wow! That ending was wow! :D We got to see Davis, Cody & Yolei combine to create the same amount of power like Ken. Arukenimon's and Mummymon's deaths, possibly seeing the figure that influenced Oikawa, Cody giving the final blow - everything was epic! Shoutout to shady Young Gennai lol

It's been a pleasure being your beta. You mean the world to me. You and me to the end, buddy.
Jackie Mueller chapter 44 . 6/13
Are you going to do a Tamers style Star Wars?
Ackbarfan5556 chapter 44 . 6/13
Once again, another home run of a story; I see you’re already getting into the pairings, buddy. ;)
Ackbarfan5556 chapter 43 . 6/13
Great chapter as always. I’m still laughing about thinking that Oikawa’s death was you doing the Battlefront Elite Squadron ending, rather than Spider-Man. XD
Greymon Leader Batx flashpoint chapter 1 . 6/10
wowowoowowoowowoowowo so everything is being set into place. Now its time to addressed the jedi in the room TK. Christ man i am proud of this dude really he has come a long way from where he used to be. That is how you develop a chracter thats what i love about your fanfiction here you are able to develop chracters in a really cool light. Tk dude did he get her or didn't he? going to be honest i always have been mixed on Kari's relastionships one hand i love Davis and kari becasue i feel they are underdevloped and could use some more screen time in big things like this fanfction on the other hand i kinda want Tk to get wwith her becasue of the pain he went through. ALl i know is Tk and Davis are offically brothers by destiny. the way they teamed up togather was amazing and considering where they started from where they began was awsome development. I mean theese two have gone throught and maean a lot of agro from eachother but what i found cool about their relastionships is that they have grown from subordinate and leader to the other way round, from rivals to good freinds it actually is an impressive relastionship. i think what gives it so much strengh is the fact they know what it is like the be the other rather it be different from being the leader or the love intrest they can relate to one another and it is amazing. okiawa man oh man that guy really has gone off the deep end it really is war but he does raise an intressteing question who was his master? its one of thoose questions that does change everything. but what i find sad about him now is that he has become what he hates he rejected the child the same way cody granfarther rejected him and the poor fool dons't relazise it properly he is just trapped in his own deleions. has he really become a lost cause or is any light still left him. its just okiawa is sleeping in his delsiona in his own faliure and lonilenss it is horrible he can do so much better. a lot of cool action in this chapter very cool snipits and stuff for the final its cool work my freind
Super Saiyan 3 Odd chapter 37 . 6/9
Wow...Davis, Kari, Cody and Yolei really had some demons that they needed to face. But it looks like they're proving themselves BA and Ken has gotten a new lightsabre! At last! I was wondering when that would happen!

Davis, Cody, Kari and Yolei have faced their inner Ken must face his and I have feeling his test is going to be the toughest one of all considering his messed up past. Good luck Ken!
GuardianAngel1234567 chapter 41 . 6/7
Any chance, if Vamdemon comes back, can you make it a scene where he intentionally attacks Arukenimon, but Mummymon got in the way and took the hit for her. As he disappears, he reminds her the day they were created and how he vowed to protect her. When he's fully gone, Arukenimon screams his name in despair.

Just thinking about it makes me wanna cry!
GuardianAngel1234567 chapter 42 . 6/6
You call that bold?! Come on author! I want that ship to sail, permanently!
Ackbarfan5556 chapter 42 . 6/6
Glad to see this coming to a great ending. Of course, I’ve already seen it. ;)
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