Reviews for Tumbling Down the Mountainside
Guest chapter 3 . 2/17
I absolutely adore the fine details the author uses to describe the innermost workings of Fie and Elliot's interactions. It really captured the true essence of a (hopefully soon-to-be) blooming relationship with its portrayal of day-to-day lived experiences and how the two react to each other. The way that Fie always knows when something's wrong with Elliot and the way that Elliot tries to do anything and everything he can for Fie really gives us a look into their dynamic and how much they care for each other even at such an early stage. I love the author's usage of the characters inner thoughts, they really bring every character to life as if they were a real individual you might run into one day! For example, every short little blip about Fie's feelings or her physical behaviors in response to others, reveals more and more of the puzzle that is her background. Very lovely and cute so far, love your work!(:
K'Arthur chapter 7 . 1/1
Very cute. I love drabbles and these delivered beautifully. I think my favorite was the ghosts one. Oh, poor Millium. You'd think hanging around Lechter she'd learn...things. But maybe not. Well done.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 7 . 12/28/2019
All these were pretty cute! Great job!
K'Arthur chapter 6 . 12/24/2019
I enjoyed seeing Big Sister Sara here and I also really liked the ending. I was one of those people who got all teary eyed when Class VII broke up at the end of CS2 to go about their own lives. I think Fie giving Elliot the rosebush is just a perfect farewell, but not goodbye, from her. Well done. I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more of your works.
K'Arthur chapter 5 . 12/22/2019
This is my favorite writing of yours I've read yet. It is delicate, it is poignant, and it really sews up their relationship. I really enjoyed the emotional ride you let the reader feel here, especially in the part following the mission of Valflame Palace. Elliot and Fie discussing loss was perfect here, as was the ending dialogue. Well done, friend.
kuchee chapter 1 . 12/21/2019
Just looking through the reddit noms fandom blind, but this was very sweet. The scene of him being flustered playing to her, and the following kiss , was so touching and soft!
K'Arthur chapter 4 . 12/21/2019
This was a solid chapter and the uncertainty and nervousness of both Fie and Elliot really shone through. I also liked the description of Elliot talking about his passion for music and Fie absorbing it and enjoying his excitement for it as well.

While the line you quoted in the author's notes is humorous, I'm glad you didn't use it in the story; I think it would've been too awkward for the setting and these two characters.
K'Arthur chapter 3 . 12/21/2019
This chapter was very cute, but my favorite section was the end with Sara. She's absolutely brilliant here, and shows her ability to resonate with these kids she's decided to teach. I think that is the strongest I've seen her written in awhile and I really enjoyed it.

If you're open to a bit of critique: the first section feels unnecessary. It reads well, as does all of your writing, but we've seen them wake up together and not too much really happens that makes it remarkable. Elliot struggling with his letter is where this entire chapter begins, and it may be better to start with that.

Also, Olaf's "growing up" chat had me grinning. Should you ever write that out, in a separate story, I would love it.
K'Arthur chapter 2 . 12/15/2019
Very cute. I like how innocent this is and how they're not rushing anything. It feels very in character for both of them. And blushing Elliot is always the best Elliot.
K'Arthur chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
I really enjoyed this chapter. Fie's new and uncertain feelings come shining through, especially in the bit about the performance "she wasn't supposed to hear." Their little first kiss was wonderfully written and adorable. Looking forward to reading more.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
This is absolutely beautiful
Guest chapter 1 . 10/11/2019
CONGRATS Leonidas. As an artist (your fond one!) I tend to visualize stories, and your characters are so credible I almost thought I was watching an anime, instead of reading an amazing love story. Please keep going! To draw, you need practice. To write, you need practice. To play an istrument, as well. To love... NEVER stop practice 3
JohnJoestar17 chapter 6 . 10/8/2019
This chapter (and story as a whole) ended like Cold Steel 2 did: bittersweet. Fie definitely has a lot of baggage that she needs to sort out. Still, I'm glad she has other ways to Express her love back at Elliott. It's good to see that Elliott and Fie will still keep up their relationship even after going their separate ways in life. If you ever write a sequel taking place during Cold Steel 4, I hope those two will take some notes from Estelle and Joshua.
Pilgrim93 chapter 1 . 10/6/2019
Like I mentioned in the first one, it is great to see the character growth in this series. I thought it was unique to see Fie so out and bold in this version, as she was typically a quiet or reserved character in the game. Not that she couldn't have her "take charge" moments, but nothing of this level. I think it gives her depth past the whole jager persona she was written as.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 5 . 9/28/2019
Despite the somber turn at the end, the chapter was still really fluffy and cute overall. From first starting to flirt to sexy times, nothing feels rushed and everything feels natural. Good to see both of them coming out of their shells.
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