Reviews for The Ones Who Are Bound
Cszar chapter 16 . 7/15
Well to be fair to my prior comment, Bela survived historically, so it's not beyond the pale that Jaune Ruby Blake and Yang all survive as well.
Cszar chapter 19 . 7/15
Yeah, tumultuous is a word for when Bela is defeated, and either they have to escape again or, Jaune is executed and Blake and Ruby become concubines.
Unless this becomes a historical AU, where Bela somehow wins, which I doubt heavily.
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 19 . 7/15
Good chapter also nice to see a bit of day to day life before the storm also the Middle Ages sucked for everyone
Unknow Man chapter 18 . 6/28
I don't nothing about the history of Hungry, so the Aragonian was a big surprise to me (, actually I was wishing see some Iberian character in some fic for a while and see one here is amazing) I gonna guess that he is part of the Big Catalonian Company and that is a Almogavar Adalid...

Out of that, the story is wonderful the cultural contextualisation and the use of others languages make the story better, is a really big pleasure read this, continue in this way please!
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 18 . 6/18
Good chapter also nice to Ruby with family here I wonder how things are going to turn out
Mira Nightingale chapter 18 . 6/18
oho! tension tension! i love it! xD i'm not really into history but this is all very interesting!
Devilmaycry17 chapter 18 . 6/18
Dude you've done a great job!
Reverend Rabbit chapter 17 . 6/10
Both this story and Vivat Imperitrix have an absolutely wonderful historical flavor. It blends well enough to provide the slightest bit of realism and, perhaps more importantly, "Culture" into the world that really helps to create a vividness and an imagery in your mind that very few other works I've read achieve. As others I believe have stated, any small historical inaccuracies (though I'm not educated enough to notice any) really do pale in comparison to what the context provides. This, in particular, feels *real* in a way that so few stories can achieve.

The only criticism that I can notice is that, for all Jaune is said to be a skilled fighter, the times he's been in any combat, he's basically been a beatstick for the enemy rather than really being too impressive. This isn't to say that I mind a protagonist that's weak, that's Jaune's role in many stories, but there is a bit of dissonance when he's said to have earned his keep as an impressive slave warrior, and yet he didn't really shine too much when he's been shown in battle. His circumstances in the battles shown so far didn't lend well to being overly impressive, however, so that's just something I'd say could possibly use some fleshing out in future conflicts.

Overall, absolutely wonderful story. Thanks a million for publishing this, it's been great to read.
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 17 . 5/22
good chapter Nice that Ruby his home also Winter going serw them over also huh Oz backstory with Salem
Raj8 chapter 17 . 5/22
I would have been shocked if the King's Demesne was safe.

Have to admit to being very curious on what's going up with Summer, Qrow and Raven.

Qrow and Raven being bandits work still, I'm guessing Summer was also a Noble along Tai Yang? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Raj8 chapter 16 . 5/10
Honestly I'm really enjoying this story, but I'd personally recommend that you keep everything in English rather than changing the language so frequently, it's fairly awkward to have to scroll down to the bottom in order to get a translation.

I do think it's good that your including the alternative language at all as it can help teach, I think a better method though would be to Bold anything that's supposed to be in another language and at the end, put the alternative versions there.

An example would be D'accord, Put Okay in Bold or Italics in the story proper and then at the end put D'accordOkay.
Mira Nightingale chapter 16 . 5/8
Oof! Glad to know they're all okay. I'm really interested to know Ren and Qrow's plan. Anyways... Great chapter as always! I can't wait for the next chapter! Adventure awaits! xD
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 16 . 5/8
good chapter also nice to see everyone getting along so far
Mira Nightingale chapter 15 . 4/23
Oh man! This is a really great story! I knew those two were planning something! I can't wait to see what happens next!
hypernova2718 chapter 15 . 4/22
Thank you for the chapter. I was not expecting this development at all. Are they going to have to raid the camp later for Blake's bag again?

Keep writing.
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