Reviews for So Close to Magic
Kim chapter 56 . 9/3
Well, I've just finished all those chapters and let me tell you hi , you're brilliant! They way you write, your OC's, your plots, I love it all! Can't wait for next chapter :D
ThisAmethystHeart chapter 25 . 17h
Omgggg Dumbledore is so frustrating! Why can’t he just tell her why?
Kim chapter 50 . 9/3
I just love the dinamic between Sirius and Winnie! Can't wait for more moments between them and for more bonding. Btw, please tell me you won't kill Padfoot. Please, please, please. Both him and Winnie need a happy ending, plus Winnie went most of her life without a parent, she can't have her dad taken away from her :(
Kim chapter 49 . 9/3
Oh my god, yes! I can't wait for some father/daughter bonding time! I just love it!
Kim chapter 33 . 9/2
My emotions! I loved it!
Kim chapter 30 . 9/2
Oh my god! Ok, so yes, the twins were stupid for doing that. They should have just been honest. Those small, duffy moments between Fred and Winnie! Oh my feels :D I need jeremiah to piss off and our babies to be finally together!
Kim chapter 22 . 9/2
Ohhh I see the romance building. I'm not gonna lie, that's one of the things I'm most looking forward to :D
Kim chapter 10 . 9/1
Love it! And I love that you wrote such long chapters :D
Kim chapter 5 . 9/1
Ibfśdghijojhyfsssvuk love it! :D
Kim chapter 4 . 9/1
I love this atmosphere that your story gives me. I love it :D
Kim chapter 3 . 9/1
I've come here from I Know Places because I love your writing and I'm not disappointed! I already love it and of course I can't wait for the romance to start
Raven that flies at night chapter 56 . 8/29
I'm so happy I got to read the chapter super excited for the next one. Take your time writing it we all know it will be worth it. I've been feeling the trials going to be wild
FriendlyNeighborhoodBatman chapter 56 . 8/28
Amazing update. I loved Win getting to see more of her family background and where she came from! I will say however I am eager to see when her and Mrs. Weasley finally make up, I hate to see them fight. Also the Fred content as always was *chefs kiss*. Since you last updated I have literally read the entire story three times over because I was that eager for content, and unfortunately no fic seems to be hitting the spot quite like this one. I hope things in your personal life get better soon so hopefully you’ll have some time to breath and time to do the things you enjoy. Anywho, spectacular chapter as usual, keep up the good work I’ll be here waiting for the next chapter and if we’re being honest probably reading the entire story a couple more times!
This Muse chapter 56 . 8/28
you know, a thought just occurred tome because of Voldemort's increased interest in Winona. since its known that the Order has an honest togod Seer, it actually guves Snape a lot more room to maneuver as a spy and pass on information he otherwise wouldn'tve been able to without the excuse of a Seer. "i dont know how that information, known only by me and a select two others couldve possibly gotten to the order, my lord! it had to be that blasted Seer." the combined power of winona's abilities and Snape's position actually makes for a terrifyingly effective information gathering/circulation machine. this is incredibly good news, and I could definitely see it being a game changer for the war.

also i forget if i mentioned this last review, but im so curious as to how the Twins ditching school at the end of the year is gonna take Winona into account. maybe events wont even go in that direction, but considering she had that vision of Sirius dying in the DoM, Im guessing thats not the case. I guess After Hogwarts is just a big questikns mark right now, but some speculations I have:

winona wants to be an artist, but I very much doubt with the war in full swing that she'll be able to just open up shop in diagon alley and start selling, its way too dangerous. in the same vein, i cant really see her having the luxury of attempting to start a normal life, so working with the twins, if she does at all, is probably going to be sparse outside of her house where she can work on designs and stuff inside Grimmauld Place. in fact, this us actually the
perfect time to take up being High Seer at the

By the end of OotP, since Voldemort being exposed to the world is still happening (i think), and Fudge retiring, I think she'd have a lot less problems if she (or I suppose Dumbledore) decide she should take up that High Seer job. one, people arent gonna be giving her shit not believing Voldemort is back, but it might strengthen her credibility just a but if it turns out she was right/hoest all along. and two, fudge, who she hates, will no longer be the one in charge, which is neat. although Scrimgeour is not necessarily ideal, he's at least marginally better than fudge.

although, i can see Dumbledore also enlisting her to help hunt horcruxes, considering he has her comfortably locked in an Unbreakable Bond. she wont be able to blab, and she can help speed up the process! perfect for Dumbledore, though I can only imagine the rage that would take Winona over when she inevitably discover's the nature of Harry's scar.

thats all until Dumbledore dies of course, though im not sure what then. winona could join the trio on the horcrux, but that feels redundant unless something changes drastically. i can also see a traumatic arc where Winona is caltured during the fall of the Ministry, and has to endure captivity and torture. unless Dumbledore's death is changed? hmm.

oh also, i have complete faith that Sirius wont die, so although I wish she would tell someone about that vision, Im also kind of not that worried. i was just like "there's time, she'll figure it out."

also miscellaneous, but it would be kind of funny if her art career took off more because customers are hoping she has a vision for them. that would certaily be frustrating for her, but that could just be the start and people actually come to enjoy her art for what it is.

wow, sorry for the rambling. i dont really write as nuch after an initial review, but this story gets my brain going. stay safe from the plague, and I lookforward to your next chapter!

Noodles chapter 56 . 8/25
I was so happy to see you updated! Another great chapter:) can’t wait to see the trial and them going back to Hogwarts!
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