Reviews for Rurouni Soujiro
TOSoldtimer chapter 9 . 12/27/2014
Best Soujiro fic I've ever read! Too bad you never finished the sequel. If you haven't heard, there are now 3 live action RK movies. Maybe if you watch them, you will be inspired to write RK again.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/9/2013
:) i finally found a fan fic that would suffice my cravings for continuity of soujiro's story. i do hope you can make an artwork for young eun so we can picture her in our minds as well. great job!
Maryl chapter 2 . 2/9/2013
I'm really glad that the author decided to create this. :)) I've always wondered what happened to Soujiro's character in after the death of his master :) I'm having a great time reading this.
chococookies1435 chapter 1 . 8/19/2012
Hi! Great job on the chapter! Your writing is great, but sometimes I kinda disagree with how you display Soujiro's character. He's supposed to be somewhat emotionless, but you write about him thinking of the beds and shuddering, smiling when he thinks of Yumi, being surprised when seeing how poor the town was, and other such situations. I know these are really small deviations from his character, but for some reason it bothered me a lot...
Otherwise, you've got an amazing plot line and I'm excited to read the next few chapters :D
Anonymous chapter 9 . 8/2/2007
Love this...if you consider writing a sequel please let me know. It was an awesome story and one of my favorites about Soujiro.
xRemovedx chapter 9 . 7/12/2006
Wow! I love this story! So good! You inspire me. I really like the idea of Soujiro learning a new technic. Is it ok if I use those technics for my story? I really like the idea.
cokeboi chapter 3 . 6/22/2006
excellent chapter.
cokeboi chapter 2 . 6/22/2006
soujiro's such an amusing kid. hahaha
cokeboi chapter 1 . 6/22/2006
hahahahah, 'six feet tall and ripped.'
Leshyaedawnfire chapter 9 . 2/10/2006
Locke chapter 9 . 12/10/2005
One the best stories I've read, period. The simple fact that I have manage to read it 4 times now and been interested every time should say something in that regard. Your mastery of Rurouni Kenshin swordplay is unsurpassed, but the true heart of any story comes from the characters, not battles and you have an excellent grasp on that department as well. Yamashina was an excellent enemy and I thought his style was impressive to say the least. A sequel would rock, but then again it has been some time since you quit working on it and I guess I would understand if you've retired. I would appreciate it if you'd let me know though. A few corrections:

1.) I don't think Soujiro ever broke 3 swords, only 2. The owazo-mono blade and the Kiki-Ichi-Monji, though I may be mistaken.

2.) I'm pretty sure the Kuzu-Ryu-Sen hits with the blade or Hiko wouldn't have needed to reverse his sword to avoid killing Fuji.

3.) I have a somewhat tough time believing that Young-eun could use the Shikuchi with almost no training, but you did say she had potential.

4.) Sato seemed like an innocent guy worried about his town when he dies, seems a touch out of character though you may not have forseen that far ahead at the time.

PS I loved the way you finished Yamashina off, excellent.
omasuoniwabanshi chapter 9 . 8/7/2005
Congratulations on having written such a wonderful story. I know you wrote it quite a while ago, but I only recently heard about it through 'Tenken's Smile'.

It's rare to find such grippingly well-described fight scenes. Your master of the Rurouni Kenshin sword technique terminology is impressive. Your original characters were fascinating as well. Even the villain, Yamashina, was well thought out and two dimensional, with his own tragic background. It made him more difficult to hate outright than a creature like Genji. The ending was highly satisfying as well. After all, if Shishio left behind ill-gotten gains, why shouldn't Soujiro use them to create a new life for himself with Young-eun? I like stories that end with Soujiro finding happiness.

I hope you're doing well in law school, and you use your degree honorably to help protect the innocent, as the Soujiro in your story would. Good luck in your law career.
Eternity Wish chapter 9 . 7/28/2005
You believe that Shishio and Yumi "were wrong, but not evil"? I do the opposite: I believe they were evil, but not wrong. Shishio's philosophy wasn't wrong at all.

How can Young-eun be that good at sword fighting? She even manages to break Yamashina's defense while Soujiro found it so difficult! That's impossible for a girl who had almost no training, you know.

"The world had looked so different to him after his battle with the Battousai... On the other hand, somehow, in the midst of all that, things were finally starting to come into focus again for him. He was starting to understand why Himura Kenshin had forsaken killing and risked his life to protect people. He was starting to understand why people deserved the chance to live." ** smile **

It's just so good to see Soujiro fighting for the sake of others. If ignore the whole ROMANCE, Seta Soujiro in your fic is perfectly matched with Watsuki's.

When Soujiro says there're some interesting people in Tokyo for Young-eun to meet, does he mean Kenshin? To be honest, I dislike the idea that Soujiro continues his wandering with a girl. It's 10 years of wanderings... 10 years...
Eternity Wish chapter 8 . 7/28/2005
Hey, why do you always let Shishio and other people impose their thoughts upon Soujiro ? Can Soujiro NOT think for himself, can he NOT have his own thoughts, somehow? (

Fantastic fighting scene, again!

I think it'll be much easier to follow if you could give the notes right beside the Romanji words rather than having them at the end _

"'Strong things don't break; hard things do.' I think it's becoming a theme of this story. Soujiro must also find a deeper strength within himself, the strength that comes from fighting for more than oneself. He also has to do whatever he can to bring Young-eun back to herself and prevent history from repeating." You think so? So do I ) I presume that in the end, Soujiro would feel very satisfied after being able to help people, and that satisfaction will motivate him to do many other good deeds in the future, I hope )
Eternity Wish chapter 6 . 7/27/2005
Soujiro's gradually adapting to Kenshin's philosophy! Good to see that! )

"And the fun part was that, since he had not killed them, he could do it all over again on the way back." and "ShiShio probably would have broken the sakaba sword the moment he saw it." Definitely! * laugh *

"Tenken" isn't Soujiro's technique; it's just his sobriquet. His sword's technique is actually called "Tenbu no Sai Niyoru Ken" )

How come Soujiro likes a girl so fast, I wonder?




Brilliant performance! )
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