Reviews for Necessary Sacrifices
jeyelsee chapter 1 . 6/28
Absolutely loved it! An amazing start! Please continue this. I'm really looking forward how they'd warm up to each other and know each other better on a more personal level.
IvoryxNoir chapter 1 . 6/1
2plygal chapter 1 . 5/25
I hope you will continue this story...
Amezaiku chapter 1 . 1/22
I truly wish you could continue this. Whenever you can. Take your time 3
nuriiko chapter 1 . 11/5/2019
Ah I hope would hv a continuation that their be better.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/1/2019
I want this to be continued, it is interesting and it shows exactly what an arranged marriage would be like between the two of them

Please continue :D
imatwilightfan chapter 1 . 10/3/2019
Wonderful start to a story. I like how the nuances and the feels are realistic for an arranged marriage and their portrayal of their parts are on point. I love the fact it is SasuHina and, despite the awkwardness and reluctance they have with everything, I do hope to see how they eventually truly come together with actual passion and love. It would be so worth the wait. Please update soon.
plzceci chapter 1 . 9/11/2019
THIS, this was a perfect fic it reflects perfectly how two power families can work to make a good match. Maybe they dont love each other but they care and they can grow feelings along the war. ah, i really hope this had more chapters to know how the relationship grow. thanks!
Sandria Harris chapter 1 . 8/29/2019
this is a interesting story I can't wait to read more
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
I will find you and i will make you finish this this. I NEED CLOSURE waaaaahhhh.

This is so good and it needs a second chapter and third and a fourth etc... all fluffs to make up for that first chapter dying here
LaCrazyWriter chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
I love this so much, can’t wait for the other chapter
H A M B O . 1 7 chapter 1 . 7/10/2019
It feels sad. But I really hope it gets better, and I can actually picture they'll be seeking other persons for sexual pleasures or maybe romantic relationship due to their hesitance. But I really hope it gets better. Can't wait for your next update!
munchiedi chapter 1 . 7/6/2019
Aw! The feels!

This impersonal approach in their pairing really hits in the feels. Like this is one of the few fanfic stories I've encountered that shows the real mechanics of being in an arranged marriage.

It is understandable that Sasuke and Hinata may not be too close enough to know each others quirks and habits to fully relax with each other. Still rooting that they would find something to bond together, relax and have lots of fluffy moments. Even if the whole marriage shebang is a dry affair, I still root for them to at least find happiness with their arrangement.
Koen D chapter 1 . 7/5/2019
It's a really good start. I don't really know what to feel after reading this chapter. It's a bit sad. Though Sasuke always told himself that it's wasn't too bad and it's still better that what he could ever hope for, I can still feel that he wasn't happy at all. Hinata was just the same. It's felt like she was both glad and disappointed that it's was Sasuke she's married to and sometimes she didn't know what to feel. It's in the way they awkwardly made love to each other. I really like reading SasuHina smut but this is the first time a smut scene made me hesitant to read. Well, I think I've say too much for just one chapter. Please update soon :)
Saki-Hime chapter 1 . 7/5/2019
Its kinda sad, hope love grows from their time spent together, it would be so sad not to.
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