Reviews for Ionad Sàbhailte
Blizzard Blood Wolf77 chapter 2 . 4/7
I can only wonder how Charlus will react once he hears what Sirius has said and done to Harry, with the question being how will his body be like in the aftermath, well it would be either Charlus or Dorea on giving punishments to Sirius and Remus for what they did not long after Harry receives their letter. I do wonder if Sirius will lose his status as a Black now more then ever, given Dorea was a Black before marrying Charlus, or will Dorea do something much worse to Sirius in a way a Black does things
Jostanos chapter 2 . 4/5
Hmm.. it seems that the news of a couples' untimely departure from the realm of the living was highly exaggerated, but I may be mistaken as I often am. :)

*sighs* Sirius and Remus.. You both have made a serious mistake.
Harry is not a clone of James and he never will be. Harry just wants to be himself and not what people believe him to be.. which happens to be quite a lot of things that are way too numerous for me to list not to mention remember!

*ahem* Harry requires support, friendship, _FAMILY_, people who love him for who he is and not for the hyped up bull manure that has been in the media since he was a toddler!

May Charlus, Diana, and Dorea Potter be that family that Harry is looking for and requires?
*shrugs* Who knows? We will just have to wait and see. Ne? :)
Phoedra135 chapter 2 . 3/25
Sirius is gonna regret that
Yaw6113 chapter 2 . 3/24
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/22
Just the first chapter does so many things wrong I have zero hopes this will ever result into something worth reading. Good Bye.
elvander72 chapter 2 . 3/23
Great update. Always thought not enough focus was paid to Sirius and his mental problems from dementors.
Looking forward to the next update.
dreaming thrugh time chapter 2 . 3/22
You had me in tears with this chapter that is how good of a story this is. I can't wait for the next chapter to come out.
geetac chapter 2 . 3/22
I enjoyed reading the chapters very much.
Rori Potter chapter 2 . 3/22
Oh my. Wow. Why was she expelled? Update soon.
kirsty21 chapter 2 . 3/22
SilentVoice101 chapter 2 . 3/22
It's been so long since this updated but I am so happy that it did because it's getting so interesting! I had to reread the last chapter but man, I love that twist on Malfoy and Fleur speaking up, but also Neville becoming a better friend to Harry. I think he'd be the far loyal type and just, understand Harry better considering his own childhood.

Normally I like when Sirus n Remus are supportive, but I fucking LOVE how you characterized them here, because you make a good point on Sirius not only being immature, but of course there's all that trauma from being imprisoned in such an awful prison! And Remus is 100% a beta; if he wasn't he would have tried harder to visit Harry when he was younger or seen him immediately for his first year. He wallows too much in his " oh woe is me for I am a werewolf" in my opinion. I get that it's tough, but like he's supposed to be the smart one and so idk why he couldn't have tried harder I guess?

Anyway, that was painful to read that interaction, but in a good way! And despite the hurt Harry feels, I am proud that he's still being true to himself. Also, love the little Luna appearance Also now that Malfoy ain't in Slytherin, does this mean maybe more civil Slytherin students? I await eagerly for the next chapter!
daithi4377 chapter 2 . 3/22
I have to admit I love Sirius and Remus...but I live the Sirius and Remus that have a backbone and stand up for themselves and aren’t just a mouthpiece for Dumbledore. I’m a bit surprised at Draco’s predicament laughing my arse off about it but still a bit shocked. Truthfully he firs right in the Griffendor house...think they are the best and act before thinking . It will be interesting to see how everyone handles a Harry that was left afloat with no help from the so called Light side so when the supposed dark side reached out to him he grabbed on tight...the Light side will rue the day they turned their backs on him...sadly they won’t have learned from it as shown by the fact they are basically repeating their actions on Harry as they did to Tom...and we all know what happened there don’t we.
anarion87 chapter 2 . 3/22
nice chapter
heffronma4 chapter 1 . 2/20
Excellent start to the story - I await the second of hopefully one hundred chapters.
Please update soon.

- Mark A Heffron -
heffronma5 chapter 1 . 1/13
Excellent chapter - I look forward to the next one.

- Mark A Heffron -
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