Reviews for Primum Non Nocere
was-sticks chapter 6 . 8/24
really scared reading this bec most fanfics like tackling abortion tend to DEMONIZE it . like idk...stephenie meyer, you might have heard of her. and it’s also funny considering edward was the one who wanted bella’s fetus aborted by carlisle in BD. but i digress. i just hope this doesnt turn into one of those, “oh EDWARD! i was wrong! you were right! these cells ARE alive! let’s forget there are millions of children who are either abandoned or trafficked!” bellas. it’s just not right either, considering the political climate and tons of countries banning abortion which leaves women to consider unsafe backroom abortions or s*icide. i’m interested on what path you’re going to take.
Katie0123 chapter 6 . 6/16
farside79 chapter 6 . 2/24
Love it.
Eh Bien chapter 6 . 2/21
I admire your taking on this difficult subject as a story theme, and the way you've managed to balance the conflicting positions so far. I hope you eventually decide to complete the story.
Eh Bien chapter 5 . 2/21
Great story so far, nice intermix of the original story and characters with new material.
And there's a nice, unobtrusive canine element. Thanks for not naming the dog Jake ;)
Sweetie7smiled chapter 6 . 2/7
This is neat! Definitely curious to see where you take this. Thanks for writing!
Sweetie7smiled chapter 3 . 2/7
This is very good. Thanks for writing!
alli62 chapter 6 . 12/28/2019
helenemc chapter 6 . 10/6/2019
I have really enjoyed this story so far. You tackle some very sensitive issues and I commend you for it. Looking forward to the next chapter.
abbyweyr chapter 6 . 9/29/2019
I look forward to reading the rest of their story. I think you are very brave to tackle this subject in this way. Fiction can shed light on many things in life. We are willing to read or watch a TV show/movie about a subject we don't really know how to discuss. These two started out at the picnic being more emotional about the volunteer work Bella does. But there is so many sides to the issue. So many things go into that decision that are not covered in the media. Bella and Edward have seen and experienced two different sides of the issue. They seem to be willing to discuss the work. They may never reach an agreement. But better understanding of the issues is likely by both them and maybe us readers as long as they keep talking and remain open. Before finishing this story, need to take care of Victoria in Perfect Metaphor please.
orchidluv chapter 6 . 7/27/2019
I can't wait for more.
orchidluv chapter 6 . 7/26/2019
orchidluv chapter 5 . 7/26/2019
So sweet!
orchidluv chapter 4 . 7/26/2019
Good plan
orchidluv chapter 3 . 7/26/2019
Well that didn't go well at all
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