Reviews for RED
Markus-Antonius chapter 2 . 5/23
This hope to see more of this soon!
Falinks chapter 2 . 4/6
Damn... that was one hell of a ride. I’m not usually used to stories that go for this long per chapter, but it was an enjoyable read nonetheless. It’s pretty transparent that this is going to be character-driven if anything and that’s a rare sight for a story.

I do have one suggestion to make.

In one of Leaf’s premonitions, she has a vision of what appeared to be Sinnoh and Darkrai is present in that particular one. Perhaps Darkrai could be her companion? Like it could pop up in Kanto to follow her around as it would be great for the themes and symbols that it represents, allow me to explain why.

Darkrai is the exact opposite of what she wants from a Pokémon, with the attributes she wants being cute and all, but the dark lord has a lot more in common with her than something like a Poliwag could ever be. Leaf being a psychic would be feared and loathed by the general public because of her immense power even if her intentions are good, she’s be misunderstood. Same applies to Darkai, he’s not a bad dude, he’s simply misunderstood because of the power he possesses.

In the Rise of Darkrai, the titular hero wanted to save the town that hated him simply because he wanted to protect the memory of his relationship with a person who saved him in the pastures. This mirrors Leaf’s goal of being hoping to preserve her connection with Red.

Moreover, Darkrai appearing often serves as a warning for disasters to come, which is similar to Leaf’s premonitions. He works well as a metaphor for the darkness that lays ahead but he also has the power to avoid or prevent a terrible outcome much like Leaf.

Well that’s all I gotta say without going deep into essay territory.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/10
Can't wait for more! Best pokestory!
Attttth chapter 2 . 3/10
It’s pretty good, although I could do with a hell of a lot less flashbacks and future visions. It got irritating fast, especially since it’s the majority of your 50k word story. There are much better, more efficient, and over all more interesting ways to reveal information than whatever you were going for here. It’s genuinely taxing to read. Otherwise, the story is top notch. That was my only big complaint.
PieKnight chapter 2 . 3/7
Poor Leaf she has so much competition for romancing Red. She's got a lot of work to do prevent those visions from happening. I wonder if Sabrina is getting visions too probably not since she hasn't met Red yet.
Alciel chapter 2 . 3/6
The amount of plot, hints, information and foreshadowing in this chapter was very enjoyable. Leaf is rather interesting, seeing her becoming dependent of Red to a point where its kinda obsessive, I mean, I thought Red and her were close, yet that friendship was one-sided. Also, it's awesome that she's a psychic, but I doubt she'll stand a chance against best girl Sabrina, hehe. Also Skyla? Way to go, Red. And hwy the heck is Red younger during an event of Sword and Shield?

So many mysteries indeed...

Leaf recalling her first day in Pallet Town was cool, and her reactions were very interesting. Loved the images by the way. Red himself is depicted well despite his silent behavior, but I wonder what condition he's suffering. A trauma maybe?

Now, Blue is pretty cool, he's no that big of a jerk, which is refreshing, and yet you managed to keep himself true to his character. His interactions with Leaf were amusing, and my fave part of the chapter.

I can't wait to see Red's journey, so keep up Sir Itherael.
The Azure Heart chapter 2 . 3/4
So interesting! Keep up at it, can't wait to see where this goes.
reader0007 chapter 2 . 3/4
i mean the time ratio,please update soon.
reader0007 chapter 2 . 3/4
yes,this is really epic! the only complain i have is the update ratio. T.T
Knight of Athos chapter 2 . 3/1
This chapter was very interesting and makes me really curious about the to see more soon and Red being the badass he is.
Lucius chapter 2 . 3/1
The previous chapter was focused on events of the past, while this one of events of the future. Very interesting I nust say, and I can see Leaf being so inmature about her feeligns and all, I mean, she's kinda obssesed with him. This is the kind of character that stories need, showing her weaknesses and struggles, not a perfect character that most fics portray. I'm looking forward to see her development.

Also, enjoy the bits of information here and there about the world and its mechanics.
Masquer Q chapter 2 . 3/1
Hmm. So Leaf is obsessed with Red, turns out to be a psychic, and has confidence issues. Blue is arrogant, but turns out to be the model for loyal and resourceful friends. Red has troubles with emotions (needs meds), destined for greatness, and has a 'saving people thing' to the point of self-sacrifice. He also travels to different regions and catches pokemon from here and there like Ash does, except his pokemon are better and stronger. Also a chick magnet according to Leaf, but wouldn't be if Leaf put her foot down for once. Then again, she still doesn't know how to explain why she feels the way she does to Red. Was very surprised by Red's question of "why?" to Leaf's confession.
Oh, and Silver has a complex with his dad and Leaf like in og manga, but he's directing everything towards "THE Red". Silver was never my favorite character in any media. Seems like a self-entitled, whiny kid with family complexes and tendency to brood and shift blames. Sasuke 2.0, anyone?
Geek Reads chapter 2 . 2/29
Wow, never have I seen such character development, and the visions were all interesting. Can't wait to see your depiction of the tale of our epic Pokemon Master.
The Silent Champion chapter 2 . 2/29
*thumbs up*
Arcane Valor chapter 2 . 2/29
I seriously LOVE Leaf! It's so cute seeing her struggle for Red... Her scene with him was cute, and Blue was so funny. This is great...
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