Reviews for Phoenix Insurgent
gulaschsuppn chapter 2 . 7/25
Firstly, I'd like to say how much I adored your first chapter. The rationalizations Dumbledore makes and his frustration with it all, and then of course it's last line. Those three glorious words. Exquisite.

For this chapter I just wanted to correct the german: it's größer not großer. The rest is in order.
Love, gulaschsuppn
Perseus46 chapter 12 . 7/23
I love this story, Dumbledore is ruthless but fair, will he eventually go full on "For The Greater Good"? Let's find out.

Harry agreeing with Dumbledore is perfect too, I was really happy how Hermione and Ron join him. Also liked how you included Ginny as one of the others that he thinks has too train with them, at this point in canon Harry does think highly of her.
Perseus46 chapter 3 . 7/23
This story zounds so fun and interesting. A fed up Dumbledore is great. I'm just wondering how his plans for Harry would change, he still has to die By Voldemort's hand.

And don't change canon pairings please.
Death in a Pink Boa chapter 12 . 7/22
Well, this is really good.
Death in a Pink Boa chapter 1 . 7/22
One chapter in, and oh! i like this
125b chapter 12 . 7/9
Story doesn't make sense. Nothing so far is anything Dumbledore really needed grindelwald for. He could have started attacking death eaters, infiltrating the prophet, make inroads in the ministry etc all without him.

Only reason gellert is there is an excuse for Dumbledore to do more obv evil things to set up more drama with moody and the ministry. Because everything so far achieved could have been done easily by just dumbledore himself.
The Romulan Republic chapter 2 . 6/26
While the premise of Dumbledore taking a more active and aggressive role in opposing the Ministry is interesting, and justified (the Ministry is a genocidal slave state), him doing it with a LITERAL NAZI like Grindlewald is problematic. Albeit it is amusing to see the reversal in chapter 2 of a ruthless Dumbledore and a repentant Grindlewald challenging him.

Moreover, I strongly object to Dumbledore's argument that people/countries "aren't ready for democracy". That idea, that narrative, that certain people are too primitive and backward to govern themselves and need a strong man to keep them in line until they're "ready", is used as a classic apologism for colonialism, slavery, aristocracy, etc. Of course, the "primitive" people who need to be ruled and guided with a strong hand will never actually be deemed ready by their rulers- the point is to justify their perpetual subjugation. And I know you probably didn't mean it as any of that, but that's the implication that argument has carried through much of human history.

In the real world, oppressive states like Wizarding Britain do not exist because their people are too primitive and backward for democracy. They exist because of the absence of democracy. They aren't oppressive because of the "tyranny of the majority" canard, but because an oppressive minority controls all the power. A revolutionary who truly wanted to fix the Wizarding World would demand equality for all its people- ie, true democracy. Saying that a people aren't ready for democracy has always been and will always be the narrative of the oppressor and the tyrant.
MattBlack chapter 4 . 6/18
Kind of funny, he refused to be ordered by so called "terrorists", but is happily bribed by real ones.
Guest chapter 12 . 6/8
Wow, Remus turning on Albus was a real shock, especially as it’s essentially turning on Sirius and Harry too. Is the ministry really going to openly turn on Albus so soon though – Rufus seemed willing to be pragmatic when we last got his PoV? Don’t get me wrong it will happen eventually but for now I’d have thought he’d be cautious until Albus truly crosses the line.

The scene with the muggle was genuinely chilling.

As has already been said, that last line was perfect.
WittyBasketcase chapter 12 . 6/8
That Iast line gave me chills! This is so amazing!
WittyBasketcase chapter 11 . 6/8
The fight scene was amazing! I love this story more and more
WittyBasketcase chapter 9 . 6/8
This is soooo good! Criminally underated too!
ThelittleKing chapter 12 . 6/7
Great chapter, thanks for updating!
ta.shrivastava chapter 12 . 6/7
that... is true.

Yes, those pieces might not be alive in the conventional sense, but it is enough to make a difference. those pieces can and do suggest strategies to their players, while normal chess pieces do not.
Guest chapter 12 . 6/6
Another great chapter. Keep up the good work!
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