Reviews for Forgiveness
Guest chapter 1 . 6/13
Beautiful story. I hope you write more.
Scholarly-Cimmerian chapter 1 . 2/6
This was pretty nice. Good to see Carrie get a happier start. It was also nice to see her and Sue start over.

My one real criticism? You don't need to capitalize the word "mother" every time it appears. It's not an honorific or a title, in this particular instance of who it's referring to. Same goes for "Father" as Tommy isn't an ordained member of the church - so unless the sentence starts with the word "Father" there's no real need to capitalize it.
Gage the Hedgehog chapter 1 . 9/4/2019
It was funny.
DovahStark chapter 1 . 8/31/2019
It was perfect! Please do more like this.
T-Rex-1000 chapter 1 . 6/24/2019
An excellent follow-up to your first Carrie/Avengers crossover! I loved the conversation between Carrie and Sue, which was well written and meaningful. It's also good to see Carrie more confident and sure of herself, having moved away from being the shy, timid girl she used to be. Nice to know she's learned a thing or two from each of the Avengers. I liked the part where Stark learned that he that he wasn't the telekinetic's favorite Avenger. Hilarious! You know, it'd be interesting to see a story taking place in between this and the last one that's focused on Carrie being taught and trained by each of the Avengers, while gradually coming out of her shell. Anyway, great job on this one-shot.
Miko 56 chapter 1 . 6/23/2019
Yup it is good you should make it a series already but hey its your story
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2019
Absolutely adorable.
I bet Carrie and Peter Parker would make such a sweet couple.
Please think about this?
Loved the story and hope you write more of this particular crossover in the future.
CocoaFlower21 chapter 1 . 6/23/2019
I absolutely loved this! This was really sweet :) great job