Reviews for Equestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure
TheOldboyLogan chapter 38 . 8/16
Good chapter, I was fearing that you wouldn't continue this story, thank you very much!
H.G. Wells chapter 14 . 3/20
This is good, but you need to fix the words in most of the sentences & you need to use correct punctuation in them.
Cocky McDickshit chapter 1 . 10/30/2019
This is terrible. Fuck off. Also, que te den por culo AndresFelipe.
Magic chapter 34 . 6/22/2019
Hold on a sec. Wtf. 34 Chapters already? You just published it. Wtf.
AndresFelipe chapter 34 . 6/22/2019
A este autor me gusta llamarlo (el cementero de los fics) y a todos los que esperan que continĂșe alguna historia les informo que se den por vencidos, ya estan abandonadas.
No confien en los autores que llevan muchas historias al mismo tiempo, solo se decepcionarĂĄn no pierdan el tiempo con esta mierda
Jaguarian76 chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
Did you just published 34 chapter in the same day ?