Reviews for Awakening
Vampiricmalice chapter 1 . 8/4/2017
I'm a bit late to the party, but I just wanted to say that this was very well done. The characters feel like and act how they should and the story is pretty engaging
D Dawg chapter 9 . 12/7/2006
Loved ur story it was blissful
Didjargo chapter 9 . 6/3/2005
Wow, where do I begin, I feel that my review must be so long that I’ll have to divide my thoughts up into the individual reviews for each part. Your stories have literally consumed my life. I’ve read them constantly over the past three days breaking only to sleep and to go to work. Your ‘Awakening’ stories strike me deeper than it probably does most people because I’ve always felt that I’ve had a sympathetic connection with the character Tino. My parents are divorced, I view my step-father as the ideal male role-model, I suck at sports, and I’ve always been a little squeamish and irrational. The only difference is that I’ve never had friends like on the show. So watching the weekenders on TV was sort of a minor escape from reality for me; a retreat back into my childhood as how I wish it had been.

It is so nice to read a romantic fan fiction by a real author. Romantic fan fics are a dime a dozen and they almost always center around some delusional fantasy of the author’s to explore unnatural realms of the main characters’ “Molder and Scully” like relationships. But what you’ve done seems so natural and right. As if once the series is canceled and all of the cameras are off, the characters are finally able to explore their emotions in a way they couldn’t before. After reading the first part, I had this overwhelming feeling that you were writing from raw experience (were you?). This is truly a coming of age story; the last days of innocence one would say. The fact that it is written about characters that I am familiar with, one of which I reflect myself upon, makes it all the better. You treat all of the characters with total justice and dive deeper into their psyche than Disney or ABC would ever allow on day-time television. Well, that’s my thoughts on the first part, I’ll continue my thoughts as I review the second part.
Athena Lionfire16 chapter 9 . 9/27/2004
Ahh Weekenders, haven't seen that in ages...damn disney channel charging a fiver for four channels.

Anyway, a good fic, will be reading the rest as soon as I type this review.
BeeKay chapter 9 . 4/5/2004
Well, I don't like the idea of a Tino/Tish relationship, but your style of writing is quite good. The story was a bit boring, though, nothing really happened. Maybe I'll read Stage 2 soon to find out what happens. Tino's weird dream about "Lor" made me a bit curious...
Vera-Sabe chapter 9 . 4/1/2004
This is an awesome story. The Weekenders is one of my favorite cartoons and you did a wonderful job of writing a fanfic about them. I especially love the pairing of Tino and Tish. I think that they're really great together. I know that the majority of the people like Tino and Lor, but I like Tino and Tish. Anyway, I really like your story and I've already started to read the sequel to it. Keep up the awesome and great work.
your faithful reader and reviewer,
LadySeshat chapter 9 . 3/10/2004
Great, love it! *all bow down to the great Lord Malachite!* I liked the bit about the pizza parlor...Hahahaha! (Sugar, need I explain more?)
GoodGurl chapter 9 . 3/9/2004
AH i want the rest of the chapter! where is it? *looks around frantically* MORE!
GoodGurl chapter 8 . 3/9/2004
LOL one complaint I have though in this story...WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO FIND OUT! It seems they just acting like theyre friends...but I hope theres more to it than that!
GoodGurl chapter 6 . 3/9/2004
HHEE HEE! SO...when are they going to tell Carver and Lor about their relationship? SOOn right?
GoodGurl chapter 5 . 3/9/2004
HEE HEE! AGain a really cute chapter!
GoodGurl chapter 4 . 3/9/2004
YEAY! Another great chapter! Keep it up! I cant wait to read the rest five chapters!
GoodGurl chapter 3 . 3/9/2004
EHEHE I wonder if Carver and Lor noticed them at the back with Tish's head on Tino's shoulder! SO KYOOT!
GoodGurl chapter 2 . 3/9/2004
EEHEEHE! *grins wide* This is getting really cute! So its official that those two are going out! Well..soon! ;) Cannot wait! I wonder when Lor and Carver are going to find out? O_O
GoodGurl chapter 1 . 3/9/2004
AH! I LUV Tino/Tish stories! This is really good you really got Tino's character down perfectly! Good job! I cant wait to read the rest of the chapters!
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