Reviews for Count Your Missing Sheep
Guest chapter 4 . 4/3
This story is unique and well written. I love it.
Nightmare Fan chapter 1 . 3/5
Nightmare fan chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
Hannah Melissa chapter 1 . 6/23/2019
You're killing me here! This is carefully well-written and a perfect beginning to engage readers. The villain has been fleshed out extremely well too! Usually, threatening and intriguing enemies are hard to come by, but you've mastered that feat here! I'm still on the bench about how I feel about ol' Krampus since, on the one hand, he's kidnapping naughty kids, traumatising them in the process but is returning stolen teddy bears to deserving youngsters. He's complex, and I'm loving it so much.

Also, the Krampus character/concept for the 'Nightmare' canon fits so well! Plus, I personally headcanon all seven of the holiday leaders have an oath or something to protect the children of the world, so this goat-hybrid fella is making me even more excited in that sense.

Gah! This right here is how you start a story!