Reviews for Hyperdimension Neptunia One-Shots
kimek chapter 60 . 9/2
Wow, that was indeed an intiguing beginning. It would be interesting to see how Netune gonna interact with HD after spending entire milennia in UD
Raven chapter 60 . 9/2
DeraldSny chapter 60 . 9/2
Personally, I prefer the dimensions being linked together like in canon. It’s a nice thought exercise, though.
Gods of Delusion chapter 60 . 9/2
Very interesting, love it.
AmethystPone chapter 60 . 9/1
I have no idea...It is still too little to be fully judge, but it is also enough to be a one-shot...
Yu Narukaze chapter 60 . 9/1
I think there's a lot that could be done with this idea, so I certainly would like a continuation. (Like, how's Neptune changed? She seems more somber when remembering Compa and IF, but the way she must have changed over the course of a full millenium aren't demonstrated in this short one-shot.)

Echoes in the Dark is, among other things, a great exploration of Neptune as a character, showing how she's forced to adapt when thrown into a far more desperate and tragic situation than she normally encounters. I think this story could explore some other aspects of her character if you choose to go in that direction.

Also, VII came out for Switch? I need to go back and replay it again, it's like the pinnacle of the Neptunia combat system, and one of my favorite games besides.
NepShrimpzMobile chapter 60 . 9/1
You could totally make a full fic out of this, or atleast a few chapters of Nep re-adapting to her life after a 1000 years living and ruling in a different dimension.

Virgin Milf haha. True words xD

I wonder what did Nep do to Pko and Plutie though...
mega1987 chapter 60 . 9/1

what nep do to Plutie and pea that the rest of the gang forgot to remind her to undo?
AmethystPone chapter 38 . 8/29
Gotta say, you f-ed up the ending of Conversion with that little bullshit. And this chapter feel a lot more like trying to do damage control than anything...That kinda result in another, albeit much smaller, fire in that you're making the Ultra CPUs act immature.
AmethystPone chapter 31 . 8/29
Not entirely sure how to feel about this.
AmethystPone chapter 24 . 8/29
Uhm...Wasn't it by lore that the nations actually require CPUs for some Divine Blessing to allow them to even thrive as a nation in the first place? So that plan seem kinda doomed from the start.
AmethystPone chapter 23 . 8/29
Anonydeath seem too overpowered with that doohickery of his...I thought it only worked because Peasy is a child and doesn't really have the kind of experience Purple Heart have?
Guest chapter 59 . 8/29
That explains a lot.
NepShrimpz chapter 59 . 8/29
huh. TIL. That's some information.

But yeah, Sega was literally too good for the world. F
DeraldSny chapter 59 . 8/29
Wow, I didn’t know that. Really quite fascinating.
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