Reviews for A Summoner called Adam
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 15 . 12/5/2019
Me: Do not let this one die! *Prepares Marshall Plan for fanfictions*
(If you're stuck then it is okay to stay away for a little while. Writer's block is always a b****. I really hope we will see soon more of this fic!)
Ant244815 chapter 2 . 11/1/2019
I think I found a red vs blue reference.
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 10 . 10/30/2019
Oooooohhhhh... You just had to leave it like that in a cliffhanger... I think I thought you too well XD
Great to see S1 finished now! I can't wait to see more soon!
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 13 . 10/18/2019
Me: - Awww... Kind of too short but very heart-warming. Congrats on the 10k views man! This is just the first big step, there is many more to go! -
*Rafael blows confetti and balloons while Momo holds a cardboard with the symbol "10K!" on it*
Me: - You know, maybe it is time you separate the K/DA Arc and the one-shot from this story and published them as their own stories. The more stories an author has on display, the more likely you will get more people to review you! -
Shadow chapter 12 . 10/18/2019
Careful with your pronouns...Calling Ahri HIM and Adam HER happens often. An example is the last sentence in your chapter, "Any nightmares 'HE' would face, 'SHE' would dissipate." (Adam is having nightmares not Ahri, the nightmares are Adams, so HE applies here, not she). Nice updates, looking forward to more
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 9 . 10/14/2019
Welp, this is starting to get heated in the bad ways...
Let's hope everyone in the Institute remembers their jobs and does their jobs before it becomes to late. Ahri had a little sister?! How cute (you should have added more interactions between her and Adam)! I like James, he is a very nice guy! Now it's turn to meet Akali's and Irelia's, I wonder how special they are? (something that may expose their trait similar to Ahri's family) This chapter just made me get new ideas for you also! Coming soon in a aerial drop!
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 11 . 10/11/2019
Me: - ALERT! The writer's block is coming for this one! Any ideas gentlemen of the board? -
Boardman #1: - How about he adds some action scenes to it? As far as we have seen the author has taken a light approach on these so he could add some more heavy fighting scenes in the next chapters. -
Boardman #2 (Rafael): - What if instead the next chapters are about taking a little tour around Runeterra? Surely just Ionia isn't going to be the only place the harem would visit and there is still a lot of interactions to have! -
Boardman #3 (Edward): - I think next chapters should be about interactions with the rest of the girls, Ahri may be the main one but the rest of the girls should have their bond strengthened with Adam too. -
Boardman (or rather boardwoman, Vanessa) #4: - Maybe what about some family visits? Pretty sure Adam in this universe could have a big family (like a clan) and in one of the clan's own festivals, the girls decide to go "incognito" with him even if he decided to only bring Ahri along with a few to avoid leaving the wrong impression to his family (even though he could enjoy the envy coming from his familiars). Also, it would be about time he introduced the girls to his parents since he already had taken their virginity. -
Me: - Very well, with this the board ends session. Thanks for the suggestions. Sending the feedback right... Now! -
*Posts review*
TheLastYukami chapter 1 . 10/11/2019
mind if i run proofread checks for you?
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 8 . 9/25/2019
Interesting chapter, in both our fictional group and the way Finland is depicted there! Glad to see you used this chapter to give some social and history lessons! The Finns had a submarine?! What model, the famous U-boat or another one which I don't know? Glad to see you also have castles over there! Here in Mexico they are weird and have been only used for military doctrine in the past (literally, the government lived in palaces which IS something way different to a castle). Poor Adam, got broken by a girl; well this seems to be a job for our foxy friend! Hope they don't get into trouble with whoever it was...
So when it's the SG chapter coming in the next week? I may also have a few ideas to help with the block...
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 6 . 9/18/2019
*Whistles* Go and hit home, Adam!
So, the mechanical part only activates if he gets mad, uh? (Kind of ironic for me cause I know some guys who actually use that to enhance their power and still stay sane) *Looks at Edgard and says in his mind: "ESE COMPA YA ESTÁ MUERTOOOOO... NOMÁS NO LE HAN AVISADOOOOO!" (meme XD)*
Like how spicy where does dishes? I came from a country where "spicy" is our natural diet and because of that, I'm the expert in these topic XD.
Le thinks about the next lemon: *Ahora si viene lo shido*
I wonder if the machinery actually reacts to such emotions too? Love is very powerful after all...
That summoner girl, she is SUPER LUCKY to survive without having problems... maybe a new one for the harem? (if that's the case I can make her a nice lore and "stuff")
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 7 . 9/15/2019
This has already got interesting, and it is only chapter 1 of KDA! Hey, think that in this AU the KDA band will get to know Adam's parents (you didn't specify they were killed here nor in the Runeterra universe {original story}, only in SG AU) so it could be a funny chapter to see! Just imagine the mother seeing her daughter-in-law and saying to Adam: - When will you make little fox babies so I can fluff their tails?! - And Adam and the rest just: -... - and then getting embarrassed or naughty thoughts.
So, it seems that, apart from Ezreal, the best friends for Adam are all the Ionian champions? (After all, Garen, Jarvan and others could be better candidates but your guys appeared before them in all your stories.) Kayn, I can understand, he is your main, along with Zed and Shen. (btw I support ZedxSyndra thanks to the manga "Zed and Syndra's secret life", such a beautiful story!)
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 5 . 9/10/2019
Wait, what? [Enhance, Consume, Replicate]... Oh yeah, it's all coming together. (I think XD) Let me guess that in Ionia we will have the famous KIMONO episode! Also, it seems you like a lot Rakan x Xayah, right? Not gonna lie, being the first Canon pair makes many people in LOL dream of being like them. Wonder if one day the two couples (Ahri x Adam) are going to have a couples contest?
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 4 . 9/4/2019
Boi... that escalated quickly.
So is Adam going to be a cyborg now? That could give him the stamina needed to "dominate" all the girl's (-v-) Also, in the case he became one (considering the countdown) I know a guy who can help him train and accept (which equals to control) his mechanical parts! Oh, BTW, we never got a description of Adam's appearance and face. Can you illuminate us with it plz?
Also, think you can make an OVA with their CHIBI modes plz? I love CUTE!
XJ26483 chapter 4 . 9/4/2019
Please do make a lemon chapter as it would help you in getting some exp for writing more later.
StrikeForceHeroeTeller chapter 3 . 8/28/2019
This is going nice... (69 nice category). Also, 22 degrees Celsius isn't that warm, it is actually kind of chilly. Trust me when I say this, I live in a place that usually gets from 30 to 38 degrees in summer throughout the WHOLE day, I know how to separate all the kinds of 'warm' temperatures. Hope you update soon! This feels like that anime of Monster Musume with the lucky noble guy with the harem of monster girls!
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