Reviews for Parent-Teacher Conference
Krochak chapter 11 . 5/14
This is so freaking cute, thank you for writing this. I needed a feel-good story involving my favorite duo after finishing the final season! :D
Krochak chapter 2 . 5/14
Man, you missed the opportunity for Kenny to own a fish restaurant on the harbor with is fleet of 1,000,000 golden BOATS. Cute story tho, ai like it
Secret Life of Writing chapter 6 . 7/22/2019
I feel kind of bad because I haven't been commenting, but I've been so engrossed with this story that I just wanted to keep reading.
I absolutely love everything about this! Clem and Violet's relationship moved kind of fast, but I love it! AJ trying to get them together is hilarious and I love every comment that comes from him. I couldn't stop laughing when he kept telling Clem how pretty his teacher was especially that one time Violet was actually in the room. And Louis's test...oh, god, if he hadn't of been Violet's best friend I'm pretty sure Clem would have punched him for flirting with her. Leave it to him to take extreme measures for the sake of his friends, but that's why we love Louis. :)
But I was so excited for Violet to move in, I loved the idea! And getting to knock Joan down a peg or two was amazing! And even though it was a joke, I'm excited at the thought of Violet moving her ring to her left hand permanently. ;)
Wow, this is a long comment. Maybe I should of done one for each chapter. But I absolutely love this! Super excited for the next chapter! :)
Nao chapter 5 . 7/2/2019
3 ood my heart
Guest chapter 5 . 7/1/2019
This is so friggin wholesome, I love it.
LiVercal chapter 4 . 6/27/2019
Wow, me encanta. Necesito leer más.
LiVercal chapter 2 . 6/14/2019
Me gusta como va la historia, espero sigas y la termines, estaría encantada de seguir leyendo ;)
onihss chapter 2 . 6/14/2019
pretty good story. )
LegendsOfOnyx chapter 1 . 6/11/2019
First chapter was amazing which seems to be the norm with all your other stories! Keep up the excellent work, and you've got me looking forward to the next chapter!

- LegendsOfOnyx