Reviews for falling like the stars
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28
The last part of this—specially the vow almost took my breath away. Gosh, this fanfic is beautifully done. I thank you for making something this wonderful.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/7
That was a delight to read, thank you so much. I'm glad i went back here and had the chance to capture this
bubble.duckie chapter 1 . 1/12
I know I’ve reviewed this before but after having read it again, I’m still awestruck with these two. I love them. Thank you again for writing your beautiful NanoFate stories.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3
First, thanks for creating another great story of NanoFate.
Second, would you please continue your "Impasse" ? That's story is too.. interesting to be just left.. After years I still check it out.. I never stopped waiting your update for it. Please give an end to it. Even it's only in one more chapter that will be just fine.
Third.. Happy new year for you and again thanks
Guest chapter 1 . 11/26/2019
All these years and this series is still one of the things I always come back to. I am glad that there are still those who feel the same way...
Random person chapter 1 . 9/30/2019
Es la tercera vez que leo este one shot y siempre me da en el corazón, muchas gracias, me gustan las historias que se centran en los pensamientos de los personajes, es mí primer ship y siempre será mí favorito
Guest chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
Thank you for keeping NanoFate alive, I love this pairing and your writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/11/2019
Thank you for keeping this pair alive! I love how you captured them, can't wait for more in the future!
Cyberchao X chapter 1 . 8/10/2019
Well, given how well-written this one was, I most certainly am curious about ciel bleu. (I was going to comment on one mistake that the beta missed, but I was thinking about it and double-checked, and it wasn't a mistake after all. Much as I hate to admit it, even I mess up homonyms sometimes, and saw a who's/whose mistake when the correct one had been used.)

Such a beautiful story. I may have to retaliate.
Wildprincess chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
What a lovely story. That was such a profound story and you write them so very well. Her vow is just wonderful. Thank you for bringing us another NanoFate fic.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2019
I just wanted to say that Nanoha’s marriage vow that you wrote is so simple yet conveys such a depth of feeling. You have such a way with words. I can’t really describe the whole gamut of feelings I got reading your fic but I loved it so much. Thank you for writing this and giving us an insight into Nanoha’s perspective.
Fremde Is Not Taken okay chapter 1 . 7/18/2019
Ooooh! a new fic? by you? Yas please! That was awesome, i kept glancing at the scroll wheel in fear of it ending gbfdhgdfjk i really love your stories! and you write these two's dynamics so well! God i would almost nudge you into Madoka and Homura's direction just to indulge myself, seeing as they are so similar to Nanoha and Fate but at the same time so very different and i would adore to see how different/same you would write them compared to nanofate BUT ALAS im not that kind of person this is just my rantings, i wouldnt and couldnt force anyone into anything bgdfhgbdf ANYWAYS ! Thank you for writing this it was indeed a very very good surprise!
Sylph-kun chapter 1 . 7/18/2019
This is very, very impressive.

It's beautiful and well-written.

in short, I was smitten. XD

I think you portrayed the characters, the relationship, and the struggles very well.

This almost brought me to tears (honest) for more reasons than so, Thank You and three cheers for a job well done!
phoenixnext chapter 1 . 7/17/2019
Thank you for writing this. NanoFate's hour to shine hasn't completely vanished. Those of us who love these characters and their enduring relationship still remember. To me, it is little stories like this that keep the flame alive. May the NanoFate muse continue to bless you.
Full Power, Full Throttle
NOT ENRAPTURED chapter 1 . 7/5/2019

Okay actually going to review it now HAHA. I'll read the fic and write my chronological thoughts at the same time! Also that means GG for you since my thoughts are usually pretty scattered xD

- Who beta-ed this even?
- Omg frog in the well HAHA I love that you know that phrase; I use it all the time to my other friends and they're like wtf is that expression?
- Fuck I just re-read what I wrote and I already sound like I'm 15 again, fml.
- Ok I'm gonna type more maturely now.
- Aw I actually really do miss your writing. It's really good! Like.. very descriptive with very few words? So it's not overly descriptive, but you write in a very 'show not tell' way in just a few words which I think is nice.
- Ok ngl it's been 10 years since I read nanofate but actually my impression of Nanoha was that she'd be idealistic af so she'd be totally into the idea of soulmates / be a romantic
- "Destiny may be her namesake" omg I love this line haha
- LMAO I haven't read "nyahaha" in 10 years
- And actually I also think it's a concept that's totally true! Like I've had the discussion before; choosing the person you're with instead of the potential 'soulmate' that's out there.
- Ew, kid.
- Who the fuck is Linith!? Racking my brain but I can't remember
- 'Not cause she doesn't want to give, but whether she has anything left to give' I love this line too!
- Okay I'm at Nanoha's POV now and I actually like this train of thought cause it's similar to what I feel about relationships (and having pets). Like, either of us are bound to die one day and the other will be devastation; why should we get into it at all? But then I remind myself that everything will end and it's a matter of whether the journey is worth it. SO NOW I'm curious to see what Nanoha thinks :P
- omg I was tearing up at what Hayate said (even tho I don't like her) and then I burst into laughter at the 'sensual voice' HAHAHA
- soft around hard, hard around soft; I like that line. Didn't really understand it at first but you explained the concept well.
- Actually this story is romantic af!
- Ok I love these 2 lines: 'so human in her struggles it's heartbreaking' and 'when Nanoha falters it's Fate who keeps her steady'
- Dude I really freaking love your writing. It's like, telling a story though insight into the characters' thought processes.
- Man idk how you make sex hot but also deep and romantic and angsty at the same time?!
- Btw spotted a couple of typos but I didn't take note of them and now I'm kinda lazy LOL lmk if you want me to go through it again and point them out tho.
- I'M AT THE HOSPITAL SCENE. THANKS FOR TAKING VIVIO AWAY BTW. Is it going to end in marriage!? I hope this ends in marriage! NANOHA BETTER PROPOSE.
- YAYY! SHE DID PROPOSE! ASDFASDF! I'm either psychic or you did a really good job as usual with the showing and not telling thing to have lead me to that train of thought hahah :P
- Omfg sofa scene is so sweet.

Okay I finished it. Which is actually amazing because it's long af and I have a short attention span plus I haven't even been in this fandom for like thirty years.

I really like it! I was surprised it was quite a bit more Nanoha-centric than I remembered you writing; but your A/N at the end explained it. And I think you did a pretty good job w Nanoha. And it's a really .. romantic? love story so I think you nailed that too. Like, romantic without being at all sappy, while still having that usual 'deep-aki-fic' signature, heh. Also, personally I think you really captured the concepts of my definition of 'true love', I think the fic addressed quite a few things that I struggle with myself.

Now I feel kinda sad. Like, wistful I guess.

Anyway. Great writing as always, even after all these years. Write more please. 3
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