Reviews for Harry Potter - Rising of the sword hero - One shot
Guest chapter 1 . 7/17
Please continue! As a young boy (warrior) raised harshly by his relatives. You would expect him to be resourceful, street smart, and maybe a bit of a pack rat... As in he knows that everything has some type of value. Not to mention his aunt Petunia made him cook and garden while Hogwarts has Herbology and potions.
lara.niric chapter 1 . 7/10
I really like the story idea and this would be so great if it got continued.
Ultor73 chapter 1 . 7/7
Kind of want this to be continued looks like a fun read.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23

code R.R chapter 1 . 1/28
damn if this is a one shot it did the trick of making me want to see more *sigh*

It is a strong opening and a twist from things
Kairan1979 chapter 1 . 1/8
No way this story is complete. You should consider updating it.
Slade01 chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
This is a really good story so far I do like the idea and you got the rules right but here's the thing the rule saying you can't pick up another weapon with the intent to fight with it Harry however can use his wand for the things other then fighting that means he can use his wand just not in a fight that gives him a lot of options I actually like The Story So Far pretty good idea I guess making him the sword hero make sense Harry has use the sword like the Sword of Gryffindor but I think you would have done just as well if you had made him the shield hero it would have been both more sympathy for him if he was the shield hero why because he's 12 years old still a kid you can't really accuse a 12 year old of raping a grown woman nor can you really excuse people for treating him like garbage because he's 12 he's a kid most people wouldn't do that I always felt that Harry's family's hatred of him was odd I mean it is possible to be abusive to a child but to abuse a child and spoiled the other doesn't fit the norm of abusive parents I just think maybe they might have had something done to them to make them that way I'm not saying they did I'm just saying it's a possibility can't wait for the next chapter Slade01.
doubledamn chapter 1 . 8/17/2019
I thought the 'no other Weapons' thing was meant to apply with an 'intent to use'. So you could still 'Feed' your Legendary Weapon other items.
Austin chapter 1 . 7/30/2019
Ok this seems like a good story and honestly I can see if one of the four heroes was say younger than them like at harry's age or younger like a child.
I can see the other 3 heroes being a bit protective over their fellow younger hero like big brother's.
But what I'm curious is what if the younger hero was the shield hero.
Will the king of melromac be blinded by his hatred so much of the shield hero both through religion and I believe personal reasons that he will not even care if the shield hero was a child or will he stop and fully look at the shield hero that is younger than even the bow hero. To like an age of a child, will the king finally realize with a pit in his stomach that he was about to hate a child as old as his youngest daughter melty...will he really go through with this plan on ruining the shield heroe's reputation even though said hero is a child.
So this is a really good question on whether or not the king of melromac will do something like that.

Good luck on the next chapter and hope it comes soon.
wolfey141 chapter 1 . 7/5/2019
ok i would loved to see this continued as more than a one shot. there needs to be more of this crossover lol
Necromancy94 chapter 1 . 6/23/2019
Enjoying the story so far I think harry should join naofumi because the amount of times the Dursley’s have spread rumours about him he will not take accusations at face value and be very good at spotting lies
BYoshi1993 chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
I like this. It will be interesting to see how a 12 year old will act around the older adults and if the adults will try to ally with him to protect him. This could be very different, and I look forward to how it unfolds!
ShinigamiPhantom chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
Continue this story.
One advice, Harry should suport Naofumi after the latter was accuse.
He could justify it by saying that no one supported him before and he will not leave anynone alone in mysery. Not even someone accused of rape.
DVBBS chapter 1 . 6/7/2019
Dw Harry it said 'Intent to fight' so if u use your wand for other things then you're fine uwu
MonkHerrick chapter 1 . 6/4/2019
It would be interesting to see this continue.
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