Reviews for catoptromancy
Guest chapter 23 . 6/2/2019
Ok so I'm not finished but I've been binge reading this and it's 3am lmao. Anyways, I think you are an absolutely amazing writer I hope this story gets tons and tons and tons of follows and favorites. Idk if you just recently (maybe not anymore lol) posted the whole story, but if it's been updating for a while then I feel it is (Maji Love) 1000% underrated. Once I finish this I'm going to read more fanfics of yours because I think you are such a gifted writer and I love utapri! But mostly Ai. So, that being said, I look forward to future Ai fanficcssss and any others (Like maaaaaaaaybe if you feel like it some Karmagisa haha).
Beau chapter 10 . 6/2/2019
Holy crap. You are such an amazing writer, I'm honestly stunned. I think this is like THE BEST fan-fiction I've ever read. Keep up the good work bc it's lovely :)