Reviews for A Family Broken Apart
spnfan2005 chapter 37 . 5/22
love it please write more
Nissa-Cullen chapter 37 . 5/12
I think it’ll help to be away from his family while he goes through this. Not as much stress on him. Dean being there will be a big help, just the two of them. Hopefully Sam will see that Ruby has been playing him soon.
Secretwrittenword chapter 37 . 5/11
Naw, look at Dean being an amazing big brother. ️ I’m glad Sam told Ruby to stay away, she was poison, but I can’t help feel like she’s going to pop up again...
vrskaandrea chapter 37 . 5/11
Awesome. And I think it is exactly what Sam needs. I know everyone is worried about him and they care in their own way, but it is just too crowded. Just the two of them will be better. Great chapter!
Secretwrittenword chapter 36 . 5/9
Nooo! Where did Sam go?
vrskaandrea chapter 36 . 5/9
Where did he go? I wanna know? He should be clear of the blood, so I hope he didn't go see Ruby. But he left his phone they can't track him like that, and... He left them again.
I really hope Bobby or Mary gets an idea about a tracking something, or that he comes back, cuz this might break them as a family. He left again. Damn.
Souless666 chapter 35 . 5/2
I so love this John. This is the John I know the one in the show to have been, given a chance to show it.
Secretwrittenword chapter 35 . 5/2
I like this John much better than canon John.
vrskaandrea chapter 35 . 5/1
Did I mention I love your John?
He thinks he is a lost cause probably due to the fact that he will be the boy king to lead the hell's armies, right? Or does he already know about Lucifer and being his vessel?
Great chapter.
Souless666 chapter 34 . 4/29
I hope that once Sam detoxes he still has abilities. I think he should, but I always believe Sam's a natural psychic and the demon blood is just interfering with him accessing them.
Andra B chapter 34 . 4/28
I hope its soon that Sam ganks skank Ruby and sents her back to hell. I'm curious...would this be blonde Ruby or Gen...Jared's wife?
Secretwrittenword chapter 34 . 4/28
Wow, I really hope Bobby and Mary don’t force Sam into this. At least John is being the voice if reason, for a change. Hopefully we get a few Sam/John deep and meaningful conversations?
vrskaandrea chapter 34 . 4/28
Omg, that was amazing! I love John snapping at Bobby and even Mary like that, being protective of Sam. I love this him, great work! And not to mention that he is right, while they can lock him up, the first chance he gets he is gonna drink again, wheres if he chooses this, there is less chance he will relapse. I love it!
AmaraRae chapter 34 . 4/27
now I have read it all... John being the cool, calm and collected adult versus Bobby
Juli.Horo chapter 33 . 4/15
Always leave me wanting more
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