Reviews for Sing Me to Sleep
cullensrule chapter 49 . 5/23
It is great to see the girls having a nice " normal" outing. Liam is out of the picture and we don't have to sorry about him anymore. I looks like Bella will get the wedding day that she wanted if Renee took her to the flea market for a dress.
This was a great story. Thank you for sharing this.
cullensrule chapter 45 . 5/23
I was thinking that Liam must be a bad cop be sure he hadn't tracked Esme down yet. He would!d just have to wait outside the bar and follow her to the clinic or the apartment. Maybe it would take a few days but he would find her. Especially if it was the apartment, that is not a secured building. He seemed to fix out about Bella and where she lives pretty quickly. If only he knew how close he was to Esme.
cullensrule chapter 41 . 5/23
Oh no Edward. That would be your worst nightmare. Thankfully he left and Bella will be able to get him h and he didn't terrorize her too.
cullensrule chapter 37 . 5/22
Glad that your daughter is well. I too have a daughter with type one and have been down that road with possible kidney failure with her.
cullensrule chapter 21 . 5/20
I was wondering when they would meet.
cullensrule chapter 14 . 5/19
I was hoping he was Charlie. I hope he will be okay. Now Edward needs to be set free.
debb lavoie chapter 49 . 3/2
Oh my god! You brought out all the feels for me on this one. Tears were in my eyes, that rarely happens to me. Your story was raw and real, and yet, these people found family, love, and a degree of happiness. Bravo! Well done!
LADARTHA chapter 49 . 2/25
There were times that I was about ready to give up on this story, but now I'm glad I didn't. It is a very unique storyline and it seemed that all of your characters were from a broken past. It is a good story and I'm glad to have reached this point and am looking forward to the final Epi. Hope you will be posting it before too much longer.
Nicoconsd chapter 49 . 7/29/2019
I'm so sad this is coming to an end. I know you're not much for writing lemons but I keep wishing we would get to see how that all goes for them. :)
debslmac chapter 49 . 7/20/2019
debslmac chapter 48 . 7/20/2019
grandmachix chapter 49 . 7/19/2019
I love the idea of shopping for a 'vintage' wedding dress. About ReneƩ: she may be over-the-top with the way she spends money, but her heart is in the right place.
grandmachix chapter 48 . 7/19/2019
I've been binge reading the last 20 chapters. So much pain in their lives, but so much love has finally come to them. They deserve all the happiness they can get.
mysticfighter111 chapter 49 . 7/18/2019
I like Renee's thoughtfulness. The dress sounds lovely.
mysticfighter111 chapter 48 . 7/18/2019
It is so good to see them all happy.
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