Reviews for Big Hero 6 and the Monster Kid of San Fransokyo Phase 2
superkoola chapter 50 . 6/22
Here we go...
superkoola chapter 48 . 6/15
...Oh no...
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 35 . 12/27/2019
Guest chapter 32 . 9/10/2019
Old update the Big Hero 6 and Spider-Man corssover
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 29 . 7/24/2019
Something to consider for the big battle; Fred's giant replica of the 'Kentucky Kaiju'. Maybe it could be useful? Maybe it and all the heroes could hold off Garnos just long enough for Mothra and Godzilla to arrive?
MrGoodyTwoShoes chapter 26 . 7/21/2019
Writing in in chat/script format like you've done here is not allowed on this website. If you don't consider changing your format you could face being reported and having this deleted by the admins of this site for rule violation.

Should be a simple fix as in reality all you need to do and go and replace (as an example) "Max: " with "Max said" to get around the rule issue you have here.

Hope this helps
WargishBoromirFan chapter 27 . 7/20/2019
"Do you not understand how to write quotations?" Warg asked.
"Or just the rules you agreed to follow before posting? Script format isn't allowed. It's not full sentences. Plagiarism isn't allowed on any fanfiction site, and copying the movie line for line without so much as the veneer of additional emotion or sensory details added or anything summarized or rephrased is definitely plagiarism of the clearest sort. Interactive content like Q&As belong in a forum and can be moved with a simple copy/paste/delete from the story section, but with an MST, there's no quick fix. You would have to take out the copyright content and find ways to put it into your own words, or just skip the movie bits altogether and write what matters: the actions in response to the film beyond sitting around and talking. And then there is the script format issue, which is at least straightforward at its core, but the dull surprise from the utter lack of detail and horrible grammar could take a while to fix. Good luck."
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 25 . 7/9/2019
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 19 . 6/22/2019
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 15 . 6/14/2019
Cool! Great job!
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 14 . 6/10/2019
Cool! Can't wait to see the fight!

In the next chapter or 2, will Tina leave High Voltage to ask Max and his family for help with her out of control eel-mutation? It would be cool if they were unable to reverse it, but did stabilize her in humanoid-eel form.
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 12 . 6/5/2019
LOL! Let the fun begin!
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 11 . 6/3/2019
Hmmmmm...As Obake often said: "I see...POTENTIAL."
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 10 . 5/30/2019
Cool! Mebigon's description reminds me of Guilala. Similar creature?
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