Reviews for three hundred eighty-four thousand
Seraph chapter 3 . 2/19
Kai wasn't kidnapped in his bedroom, it was in his office but other than that, this story was very realistic. You portrayed Kai very well! Your words were very poetic, I hope I can read more fics from you!
Payton chapter 3 . 2/17
So good
ThatBlondeALB chapter 2 . 1/12
I must say that I have not read anything fan fiction or novel-wise in quite a long time, much less written a review, but reading this made me want to reread the whole series. This works really well with the story and makes me happy to read. You are an excellent writer and I cannot wait to read more from you. If you can make talking about politics interesting and fun then that’s pure talent. Great story!
Guest chapter 2 . 12/8/2019
Please post! I need to see them say I love you for the first time preferably in person!
627-OrganizedChaos chapter 1 . 5/25/2019
I loved this!
Are you going to continue this? That would be so cool!
In my opinion, I think you got Cinder and Kai's personalities spot on. That picture seems like such a "Kai" thing too and the "look I'm waving!"
Brilliant. I hope to see more!