Reviews for One Year of Love
IndyGirl89 chapter 23 . 7/28
Glad to see you’re continuing this story, despite what happened in Frozen 2.
QTXAdsy chapter 23 . 7/27
Great to see an update! Looks like Leon is going to have a rough ride to follow now, it's going to be interesting to see what happens next.

Good work as always. :)
Tiffany chapter 22 . 5/16
Yes I’m glad you want to continue this story. I like it a lot and wish more people would write stories like this.
Machzzzz1 chapter 22 . 5/14
I think we would all be in better shape if Frozen 2 never came out. Please finish as it is a fantastic story. Loved the moment when Elsa asked Leon when he thought the ball should be.
QTXAdsy chapter 22 . 5/14
Brilliant stuff! Can't wait to see the story get to a finish and it doesn't matter that it won't fit the canon, I wasn't that impressed with Frozen 2 in all fairness so you have nothing to lose here.

Looking forward to see what comes next!
DisneyMan chapter 22 . 5/13
Second I saw the email update, I got excited but noticed it was another author's note and held my breath and saw that you were going to finish it. This is good news to hear indeed.
warlocktoungue chapter 22 . 5/13
I'll hold you to that...
Captain29thegamer chapter 21 . 1/11
I love this story. You’re a amazing writer
bandgeek63 chapter 21 . 11/23/2019
I’ve just finished reading through this story for the first time, and I’d honestly love to see how it ends even if it doesn’t fit in canon anymore. It’s still a very intriguing story. Up to you, but as someone’s who’s written frozen fics that are no longer canon compliant, better to have had them for a few years than to never have written at all! (See what I did there?)
Mudkip76 chapter 21 . 11/22/2019
Honestly, It's up to you whether or not this story is to be finished or not. In my honest opinion though, I think you should continue this story to see where it takes you. Again, you decide whether you should go AU or not. From hearing how the story in the movie ended, I definitely can say I prefer how this story is going over the movie's ending.

Also, I just wanted to say that I have loved reading this fic and some of the others you have made. I definitely have been trying to get into making one for this fandom and you have given me some ideas that could help me when I get the time to finally start. Whatever the outcome is, thank you for the hard work you put into this story.
Evbro55 chapter 21 . 11/22/2019
You have NO idea what’s coming in Frozen II. That’s coming from someone who knows exactly how it ends. For real though, I totally understand wanting to discontinue the story because of the drastic change in the canon. I hated the ending so much when I first heard about it, I had to pause one of my stories because of it. At this point I just want to leave the Fandom, but it’s become too much of an important part of my life now to do that. My heart feels like it’s been shattered into bits, honestly.
Andrew Diddley chapter 21 . 11/21/2019
If the thought of your story conflicting with canon hurts you, then by all means discontinue it.
samuel chapter 21 . 11/21/2019
I think it's right to finish the fiction anyway
Sunhawk001 chapter 21 . 11/21/2019
Just continue. Who cares if it's canon or not canon, it's what you enjoy doing. Finish the story and continue on doing what you love.
QTXAdsy chapter 21 . 11/20/2019
Even though the ending of the film will possibly see a dramatic change, personality I'd like to see the story go on though, especially as it currently stands on a bit of a cliffhanger. Who knows, maybe your fix might have an ending better than the canon.

If you don't however, maybe what would bring some closure is a summary of how the plot would go next and how it would've ended.

Funnily enough I did end my fic on the note that made it 'Frozen 2 proof' for the sequel, though that'll depend if I find the film good at all to write it. Hope things work out for you with the fic.
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