Reviews for A Matrimonial Accord
lovemycastle chapter 21 . 3/7
such an incredible sweet Caskett love story a second time around! thank you for all the stories you blessed us with!
lovemycastle chapter 6 . 3/3
you described what i love about marriage perfectly.
Guest chapter 21 . 11/23/2019
so miss your stories...
Bethmorris437 chapter 21 . 9/8/2019
I know that all good things must come to an end, eventually.
I have enjoyed your stories so much, over the last few years.
I do hope you write again, at a time that feels right for you.
It would be a talent wasted not to. Godspeed.
pherman015 chapter 21 . 9/7/2019
Sadden to see another writer leave this fandom, but always appreciated that they continued to write this long. Really love your stories and wish you the best, and I'll hold out hope that someday you'll return to this fandom.
Katic beckett byrne always chapter 21 . 9/7/2019
Loved it
sianita95 chapter 21 . 8/28/2019
I started this not knowing it was going to be your last one, and just like everyone else, life got in the way and I hadn't got around to finishing it until today. It saddens me that this was possibly your last story for the fandom. I understand there are many factors that led to your decision and I commend you for having been able to continue to entertain us for as long as you did past the shows demise. I truly appreciate all your works and you will be missed, I can only sit and wait thinking maybe one day in the future your Muse will strike again and I'll be pleasantly surprised with a FF notification of a new story by you. Well wishes in your future endeavors!
SeannysMom chapter 21 . 8/28/2019
Beautiful story as usual. You are a very good writer and I will miss your stories.
I'm Widget chapter 21 . 8/18/2019
An awesome end to this story. Thanks for making me smile again.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 21 . 8/11/2019
What a great way to end this story with a real proposal. Thank you for sharing and writing. And thank you for all the stories you’ve written for the Castle fandom. I’m sad to see it end. You’re one of my favorites. Hopefully the spark ignites again someday. But until then, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 20 . 8/10/2019
Caskett getting their weekend getaway together at the Hamptons. Nice. Also the baby talk was fun. Kate’s always confused me on that. She’s behaves differently around kids and babies in the earlier seasons (especially season 1), so it’s like the writers conveniently forgot that when season 6 rolled along because it didn’t fit their story, which sadly Castle writers did a lot when previous canon conflicted with the story they wanted to tell.
Deb838 chapter 21 . 8/9/2019
I hope we do see you back writing again one day. Thank you for sharing your stories, I always enjoy reading them.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 19 . 8/8/2019
The Black Pawn party celebrating Castle’s sales was cool. Liked how Gina could tell Caskett’s marriage was real now by the way Beckett and Castle looked at each other. Castle’s speech reminded me of the one from Hollander’s Wood. Beckett still having doubts about their future then realizing she’s being silly was good. Liked the Thank yous they gave each other.
PAM H chapter 21 . 8/5/2019
spilleritz1 chapter 21 . 8/4/2019
This was most enjoyable, thank you. Hope you'll be back one day, with whatever you decide to write, you were one of the first FanFiction authors I followed, actually, the second one. Introduced me to this amazing world. I'll never delete your handle...hoping for one day, when that email notification comes in. Keep well
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