Reviews for Sesshomaru's Fear (Vol2)
sarathechimera chapter 10 . 5/10
What a journey! How long did it take for you to write this? I had to take a break from reading chapters for a while and when I came back I picked it up right after Yuki was born. It felt like two different stories, pre-Yuki and post-Yuki and I can feel the time that had passed for these characters.

Ughthe way you described the scent of Rin’s pain and sorrow was so effective! So well done! Bravo!
sarathechimera chapter 8 . 5/8
This was so good! I can see why you struggled with formatting or whether or not to split the chapter into two parts. I think you made the right callI couldn’t stop reading! Thank you for writing this!
sarathechimera chapter 7 . 5/8
I gasped out loud at the reveal that the bond was broken. Sessh is such a jerk!
cruciothelight chapter 1 . 4/17
your writing is phenomenal. I just finished sesshomaru's heart and I couldn't put it down! I read it in a day and I'm already wanting more. thank you for bringing my favorite pairing to life.
sarathechimera chapter 6 . 3/9
Bravo! That was an epic chapter! There was so much happening at once and you changed perspectives very clearly, I had no trouble following it. Great job!
sarathechimera chapter 5 . 3/3
I really thought you were going to kill off Inuyasha! I completely forgot about the Tenseiga and I felt super sheepish when Sessh drew it.

I am also relishing the thought of Sessh going through “labor” contractions. There’s something really satisfying about any male feeling labor pains haha! Here’s hoping for more of that in the next chapter!
sarathechimera chapter 4 . 2/24
I love anytime Sesshomaru’s mom shows up! Another great chapter.
sarathechimera chapter 2 . 1/28
Ha! “It is a part of my body”
Priceless exchange!
sarathechimera chapter 1 . 1/24
Super interesting start! This one is so different from Vol. 1I’m excited to dive into it!
lye tea chapter 11 . 1/1
Oooh, what a suspenseful sneak peek!
lye tea chapter 8 . 1/1
Inupapa still being a jerk from beyond the grave. xD I'm glad Bokuseno made an appearance. Minor characters need more love.
lye tea chapter 6 . 12/29/2019
Touma is definitely an evil bastard, but I kind of like him. His almost over-the-top wickedness makes him a fun character to read.
lye tea chapter 4 . 12/29/2019
Things are heating up! Sesshomaru is just cursed with one unwanted sibling after another. xD
lye tea chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
Interesting start. Curious to see what happens next!
Lemonlush chapter 10 . 12/17/2019
Him changing a diaper. Omg. And commenting on the size of her feet? Dude... you asking for a butt smacking! Beautiful ending! Love that he gave Inuyasha some fangs too.
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