Reviews for Unauthorized Ending for Harry Potter and the Natural 20
TheOrangeLord chapter 26 . 7/9
This is great! Thank you for finishing the book! I saw this and remembered the old one, thank you so much for this!
TheOrangeLord chapter 3 . 7/9
That has to be annoying... Is it ok for me to be sorry for Voldemort? He gad grease cast on him like 5-6 times. It's like walking on a normal floor and suddenly you are standing on a hockey rink covered in grease. Because normal grease isn't that slippery I think.
eternalchadness chapter 26 . 6/12
I want to start off with saying thank you for continuing this story to its completion. I also want to mention that I have read both the entire fic and also, your profile, so I understand that you have your priorities when it comes to writing, which is totally fine by me. So here are my critiques if your interested.

Comments related to being a continuation of another fic:
As some others have said, this continuation does differ in terms of tone, pacing, and maybe the intended plot, but we can't say for certain. The inner conflict with Milo's character shift from being a D&D PC to being a unique HP character is mostly dropped in this continuation, and I believe it's one of the more important parts of the original story, so while you, as the author, may not think characters themselves are very important, I would say in this case, Milo's changes as a character are a necessary part of the plot, as this conflict is the driving force behind a lot of his actions.

Another point, the Hogwarts setting is reduced to being a very minor thing, and with that, his classes. A huge part of the original is that Milo has to work around the requirements of his classes despite having an entirely different magic system, and this story element is probably one of the biggest draws of the cross-over in the first place, so by focusing just on the combat, gearing, and BBEG, the essence of the original is lost. You've done an excellent job exploiting the D&D mechanics to gain a tremendous advantage over HP Death Eaters, and it feels very believable and follows the munchkiny tendencies of OG Milo. Showing how the mechanics can be used to blend in, which is equally important to the story, is completely skipped, and Milo should be facing setbacks in the plot from this, as he faces little to no setbacks from the evil side in this story. Without this, Milo seems ridiculously overpowered, too competent, and everyone else in the story is quite frankly, unnecessary. Milo needs some sort of challenge to make the plot interesting.

The above sentence applies to more than just being a continuation, but it fits here anyway.

Comments on Villains:
Lucius, as a villain, comes to an end way too easily, he, as a character, wouldn't be caught like that, preferring to rely heavily on behind the scenes manipulation.
The speed at which new headmasters are offed is way too high and it feels like a joke (pettigrew triggering his own trap, mundungus sneaking into the dorm and falling victim to a clearly labeled trap). Introducing a throwaway character as headmaster and just not mentioning them again would sit better with me then having them repeatedly die. The wizarding population would be in outrage after 2 headmasters get killed, much less the quantity here, and this is never explored.
Bellatrix was way too rewarding of a prize to Milo, causing him to gain way too much power at once, although I don't remember having any problems with how she died.
Voldemort, for being one of the most powerful dark wizards, is laughably easy to repeatedly stump. He could have found a way to be immune to Scrying or something and had more buildup to the final fight instead of just throwing Milo at him over and over.
The amount of death eaters that are killed in this ridiculously high, I think Voldemort had less in the canon story and there he had the wisdom to think about doing that, the connections to do so, and to top it all off several more years to do it.

Other comments:
It doesn't sit right that Milo faces no negative consequences whatsoever for repeatedly destroying Forbidden Forest so the repeated abuse of killing Acromantulas and Death Eaters for XP was boring. I did like how you handled the Dementors, that was great.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were kind of ignored until, for some reason, Hermione was the one non-evil casualty of the invasion of Hogwarts, which also just seemed weird and the whole invasion could have just been skipped and I feel it would have been better.

Lastly, I want to make some comments on things that just really don't sit right with me and that I think don't really fit well in this story.

Milo resurrecting a significant number of the dead characters. I don't think Milo, as written in this story, would be willing to so readily sacrifice the spell slot for characters he doesn't even interact with anymore. The same applies to healing Neville's parents. Doing this just touches on a weird area where bringing loved one's back would solve all mental turmoil caused by their loss. These resurrections were not plot relevant and seemed to only result from Harry being mad at Milo that Hermione died from Voldemort, (1) barely makes sense, and (2) shouldn't have happened. All of this could have been skipped and I think the story would be better for it.

The Angel Club. Venturing into the realm of domestic violence into what mostly has been kind of happy ride through exploiting mechanics is weird, but could be appreciated, except that it was also handled poorly. These victims of abuse are reduced to a very simplified view of domestic violence that is grossly trivializing and almost offensive. They all seem to want a very serious form of revenge, and then basically souvenirs of their violent revenge on their abusers, and then adopt a title related to being holy, which then touches on religion and that also doesn't fit into the story, and the plot relevance of these characters seems to just be them getting Milo to look good for Hannah one time. Overall, another thing that I think should have been completely cut.

Lastly, the epilogues. Some are good and goofy, like Easter Island 2 being a prank, Milo and Hannah living their life with Milo being able to go on adventures with his old party. The Santa one fit with Milo, as it seems like he's doing a good thing on the outside, while also gaining a tangible benefit from doing so. Except you mentioned that nobody cares about orphans and homeless people, then used them as plot devices for Milo to ward off would-be captors/killers, including the ministry, which at this point, supposedly was no longer corrupt, Arthur was minister, and would trust Milo? Doesn't fit. Then you threw in Milo not only being pro-gun, but also pro-give-anybody-a-gun-because-christmas. I don't understand why, that was almost my favorite epilogue.

I know, this is a very large amount of text. But I think it captures every criticism I have of the story, any others I may have had must have been not too bad because I don't remember them. Anything I didn't mention, I probably liked, because overall I enjoyed reading this, and while it didn't continue developing the characters like the original, the overall plot reached a conclusion I was content with, and I understood why most of the steps to get there were taken. Thank you again for continuing the story, it's a hard thing to do, especially when you don't know where it was supposed to go.

(One last purely opinion choice: I think a better end would have been for Milo to defeat Voldemort as the last bit of XP to reach the point where he could travel between planes, then he could reunite with his party w/o abandoning Hannah, then an epilogue could have been the Balor fight, with maybe a resurrected Bellatrix and having an HP wizard on Milo's side).

Thanks Again!
Izunundara chapter 26 . 12/2/2019
As a standalone this might have been ok but as part of a continuity it feels like you completely missed the mark on almost every single one of the characters from the original fic. I don't think you entirely understood who, what or even why Milo is who he is, the muggle police basically get shoved off to offhand remarks and then promptly forgotten about, Harry and the rest of the main OG cast get completely forgotten, Voldy becomes little more than a running joke... the entire fic just sorta becomes "Milo Sue and That Time He Became A DMPC". To be fair though Sir Poley set a VERY high standard to live up to, obviously he's the one that knows where the story is going, and honestly I still enjoyed this. A bunch of problems stem from just how stupid and broke the HP universe is (Seriously why are the Unforgivables all "I win" buttons), and that's not your fault because honestly the only way to fix that stuff is to throw an equally dumb thing at it and then ignore it, so I can't really fault you for it, just being sad that it's necessary. Probably sounds a lot more negative a review than I intend it but it's still good, and maybe just a little proofreading for format and layout would go a long way; spells' names don't need to be on their own line, it's very disjointed and hard to read especially on mobile.
Dan Silverjay chapter 6 . 9/18/2019
"Adventurers had no qualms whatever about taking things from dead foes. Nor about attacking those who clearly considered themselves your foes.

But taking things from the house of a living foe seemed like common burglary, and that was beneath an adventurer. Unless their class was Rogue of course. Then burglary was part of their job.

But Milo was a Wizard, not a Rogue."

I guess it depends on the playability of oneself of their DM. I have played before as a neutral chaotic wizard at DnD and there were times when I valued more earning some money out of someone's riches - to be closer to the next economic step to reach my goals -, than if it was beneath me or not.

Andromedanaea chapter 5 . 7/10/2019
Most of you spells are completely unknown to me.
I am an Old School player. I would have taken the loot and no bothered fighting ‘trixie
Rude Guest chapter 25 . 6/15/2019
Aww.. we didn't see Milo with Hannah in the epilogue, other than the wedding..
Rude Guest chapter 20 . 6/15/2019
I've always liked it when a solution like THIS is applied to the Ministry.
Rude Guest chapter 2 . 6/15/2019
Aww.. I was hoping Snape would have had an even messier (and far more public) death. Boo!
Guest chapter 25 . 6/10/2019
Apparently this is finished?
eunorek chapter 5 . 6/9/2019
It feels like I'm reading someone's campaign journal and it's oddly satisfying.
Guest chapter 25 . 6/1/2019
Really nice work here!
Guest chapter 10 . 5/29/2019
A pretty entertaining read, and a full course on Milo fully embracing the d&d adventurer ways. All that said, it must be mentioned that I think this characterization of Milo goes in the opposite direction of what I'm sure Sir Poley intended for his character arc. While still retaining his social contacts, it's clear that this story's Milo has pushed such things as a clear secondary concern to his aggressive confrontation of the problems facing him, and the consequent meteoric rise in levels and optimization. It seems like something more fitting to the Milo from the start of the story. Lastly, there seems to be a complete indifference from Milo in reconnecting with Harry and his friends, even after supposedly being cleared of all charges regarding the heir of Slytherin. Although that actually makes sense in context of their thorough and completely unjustified, condemnation and rejection of him.

To put it in short, it's as if the Milo who had been drifting without a player got him back and went on to fix the plot ASAP, with as little distractions as his schedule allows.

All in all, it's a wonderful what-if, and likely the closest thing to a continuation and resolution of Poley's work. Best of all, I could totally see this as the original Milo having some sort of fever dream about his future plans, it sure fits him.
Aguy.SB chapter 12 . 5/30/2019
This is such a great story. I cannot understand how it doesn't have more followers/reviews!
wishindo chapter 9 . 5/25/2019
Quadratic Wizards.
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