Reviews for Nico Bot
Isaiah Vang chapter 1 . 6/10
Another favorite Spongebob Squarepants episode in the style of love live; do you have time to do Band Geeks?
Jaybird9876 chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
YuriChan220 chapter 1 . 5/11/2019
Hahahaha! Oh, I'm very glad you made another Spongebob parody of this~! I love it when you do that. They're just soooo freaking funny! Nico-bot, huh? Well, okay, I think I understand how this fits, so yeah. You did very well on this. No other thoughts.

Your writing is spot on when it comes to these! Hoping you'd write another Spongebob parody soon. XD Just kiddin~! Your stories are awesome!

See ya!
Major Mike Powell III chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
Well, well, Ayasaki-san~

Yes. You should, in fact, indeed, be damn proud of this piece. XD

Oh my God. This was...this was so much...X'D Just...oh my God. XD I have no idea how much I needed this parody in my life. X'D

This was absolutely ridiculous, awesome, hilarious, dumbass and just...this is awesome. X'D My goodness. LOL

Rin and Maki friendship and combined stupidity and Nico's...Nico. X'D Fantastic. Thank you so friggin' much, Ayasaki-san. X'D

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Psykoakuma chapter 1 . 5/2/2019
Holy shit this is one of the funniest things I've read in a while! You should absolutely feel proud lol!
OMG poor NicNics! I just can't get over Makkles as Squidward but Tomato Review Today is fantastic! Rin is just so freakin glorious, I have no words!
You know... if there really was a Nico Bell I would eat there every day! Every day yo!
Magiclapras chapter 1 . 4/28/2019
Poor Rin...
KageNoYoko chapter 1 . 4/28/2019
OMG Shin...*facepalm* I love you, baka. Bringing one of my favorite spongebob episodes from my childhood and combining it with Love Live is the kind of insane thing I would expect my own brain to do, but then again you did also make a camping trip story too.

It took me a minute to remember the premise of the episode since it's been so long, but I guess that Maki makes the most sense to play as squidward to Rin's spongebob. Having it be say, Umi might have been a bit too on the nose. lol.

I'll show myself out. Bai bai, love you!
blinkkittylove chapter 1 . 4/28/2019
This is the kind of Rin-Maki friendship content the world needs more of...

Very amusing, thank you much : )