Reviews for The Triumph of the Betrayed
Guest chapter 1 . 1/15
Why did Loki get upset when Thor didn’t seek his dead body? Thor shouldn’t go around in circles looking for a evil brother wanting to be dead.
azureLuna11 chapter 1 . 5/6/2019
YES, I completely agree with your last author's note. It annoyed me so much when Thor and Rocket traveled back in time, and he only got emotional with Frigga and didn't give a crap about Loki.

I loved that Loki called his brother a dickhead lmao, I think Loki and Valkyrie's conversation was my favorite part of the story, it hurt when she tried to convince him to stay but he kept refusing :(


"The Tesseract. I've grown rather found of it".
"Yes Loki, we noticed".
pure gold hehe. Good job )
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
Not bad.
SnowyFruitcake chapter 1 . 4/27/2019
THIS is what I need for Loki, seriously. I agree with you that Loki is very in-character in that too fast moment of his scene. I am satisfied, but I need more, haha. Loki series is still too far ahead.
Ecarlates chapter 1 . 4/27/2019
I love the sentence ! And thank you for the story ! I couldn't wait to see the film when I got the mail about your story ! And it helped me when I was sad at the end of Avenger endgame. I didn't expected Loki to be one of the center guy but, especially after his little scene when he diseappeared with the tesseract, I've got all of my hope up ! I mean, I couldn't think that Stark and co would let the past like that ! They've lost one of their greatest enemy (kind of) with one of the most powerful weapon ! And he know exactly how to use it ! I expected them to try to correct everything in the past too, before or after having taking care of their present, but at least at one moment ! But no, we didn't see it... Might be for a later film !
To be short, I didn't have enough 'Loki time', so thank you to give me some ! But I have one question : If Loki didn't redo everything again, but just stay away, how everything happened like he was there in his reality ?
Anyway, thank you for your great job ! Always here for some Loki time ! It's great to be able to read from you !
Boxfin chapter 1 . 4/27/2019
ah man yes! This is pretty much what I wanted for Loki!
hackeline83 chapter 1 . 4/26/2019
I NEED MORE good job
Cassie chapter 1 . 4/26/2019
Very good story! I enjoy it a lot. It could really happen in next Marvel movie or show I love Loki character he s so clever we can imagine he will be able to guess the change of events and time travel
You can keep it up and allow him to reunite with his oaf of a brother and the guardians... :))
Thanks for your work !
Stefnato chapter 1 . 4/26/2019
I saw the movie yesterday and I like your interpretation of Lokis escape. When he was in the screen I cried so hard...but my friends said I should be quiet...anyway this fanfiction is brillant. Please write how Loki and Thor meets